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Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong also wrote: “Coveting MONEY and that which money will
buy is merely the manner of manipulating
Satan’s WAY OF LIFE—‘GET’ instead of ‘GIVE’—
-concern and self-gain with desire to WIN,
instead of LOVE toward GOD and LOVE toward
neighbor” (
Good News,
September 1986)
He further wrote: “A LOT is a solemn appeal
to God to decide a doubtful matter. It is a
sacred religious ceremony. It includes a
supernatural act of God. That is why lotteries
and gambling are of the Devil – an actual profaning of an ancient holy ceremony
appealing to God.
“See Prov. 16:33. “
The lot is cast into the lap; but the whole disposing thereof is
of the LORD.
“PHOTO CAPTION: Gambling desecrates the Old Testament custom of
permitting God to determine a doubtful issue by casting lots.”
The Above text was copied and pasted from this page:
Bible Correspondence Course Lesson
371954, 1965 Edition.”
Gambling is driven by the rich and powerful wanting to add to their wealth, while others
do it just for the excitement of winning, and some desperately try to win enough to
salvage their belongings:
Habakkuk 2:9 “Woe to him who COVETS evil gain for his house (
by sinful
that he may set his nest on high, that he may be delivered from the
power of disaster!”
Money a Root of all Evil
Jesus Christ makes known the pursuit of money in unlawful ways takes a person in a
wrong direction from the only way of life that would bring love and peace from a caring
God; and many have fallen victim to their love for money:
I Timothy 6:10 “For the LOVE of money is a ROOT of all kinds of evils, for
which some have strayed from the faith in their GREEDINESS, and pierced
themselves through with many sorrows.