form of coveting, lust and greed, to try and
gain riches for themselves. Casinos can be
found almost anywhere.
The remote possibility of winning millions of
dollars advertised on billboards, and
elsewhere, attracts millions of people to
purchase lotto tickets, even though they know
their chances of winning is virtually
The poorer people will purchase the tickets anyway knowing this will often take away
from other needs for the home.
The Casting of Lots
The casting of lots was used in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible to
determine God’s will in needed circumstances.
It was also used as a form of gambling in
Roman society as can be noted when Roman
soldiers used it as a means of gambling for the
tunic of Jesus Christ
(John 19:24
Casting of lots was also used to determine
God’s will in replacing Judas Iscariot as one of
the chosen apostles of Jesus Christ. After first
praying for Jesus Christ to show His will
which man to choose, the lot fell on Matthias
Acts 1:21-26
Writings of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong
Mr. Armstrong wrote in his booklet:
Pagan Holidays or God’s Holydays Which,
Page 36, The Day of Atonement, The Two Goats, Leviticus 16:7-10:
“Types of Christ and Satan
“These two goats were, of course, types. Notice, it was necessary to be decided by lot,
which one was qualified to represent Christ, and which Azazel. Some say BOTH were
qualified. The Scripture does not say this. Let us not assume it. Now a "lot" is a solemn
appeal to God to decide a doubtful matter. It is a sacred religious ceremony. It included
a supernatural act of God. That is why lotteries and gambling are of the devil-an actual
profaning of a holy service appealing to God.”