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Those who occupy the highest offices in the land also set an example for all society for
good or bad; they are the leaders who should be above reproach.
It should be realized President Clinton has not been the
only president or politician who has lied, or still lies. He
was the only one caught and then forced to admit he had
lied before the peoples of this country on television
because of undeniable evidence against him.
The news media makes known that on average all
politicians lie.
Like children following the example of their parents, so
does society as a whole follow the example set by the
leadership and lie whenever it seems convenient or
advantageous to them in their cause or goal.
Some few years ago, one major news magazine had on its
cover page in large bold print:
“Lying? Everyone does it.”
On the Witness Stand before a Judge
Up until recent years to try and get to the truth from a witness in a jury trial each one
was required to swear with his or her hand on the Holy Bible before taking a seat on the
witness stand that the whole truth, and nothing but
the truth, would be told by them. This was the effort
to avoid any lying from the witness.
This made little difference with many people for
they had no fear of God.
Though a person is still required to tell the truth
before taking the witness stand and being sworn in
by the clerk of the court, the swearing on the Holy
Bible is no longer required (
internet: google and wiki).
God makes known how He feels about such people who swear they will tell the truth and
then lie against their neighbor:
Proverbs 17:15 “He who justifies the wicked, and he who condemns the just,
both of them alike are an abomination to the LORD.”
The Apostle Paul wrote of such people: