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Leviticus 19:18 “You shall not take VENGEANCE, nor bear any GRUDGE
against the children of your people, but you shall LOVE your neighbor as
yourself: I am the LORD.”
This is clearly made known by the magnification of God’s laws as Jesus Christ made
known (
Matthew 5:21-24, 38-42).
Companion Bible:
“Not merely one that is near but anyone with whom one deals.”
From the internet: “A person who harms another's reputation may be referred to as a
"famacide", "defamer", or "slanderer". The
famosus libellus
means a
libelous writing.”
Parents Lie to Their Children
Parents lie to their small children each year about Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny laying
colored eggs, the Tooth Fairy taking away an extracted tooth during the night and
leaving a gift, as being real.
Some years ago it was said that one young
child after learning his parents had lied about
Santa Claus then said he was going to check
into whether Jesus Christ was real. He had lost
faith in believing them.
To show the hypocrisy, parents will usually
correct their children for lying but not correct
themselves. This leaves the children in
bewilderment knowing their parents will lie to
them, but expect them not to do it.
Parents should never lie to their children for it sets a bad example for them to follow.
How can they instruct their children not to lie when they deceive them? Parents need to
be truthful, so children will know their parents can be trusted.
It should also be realized that children follow the example set before them. If a parent
uses tobacco, drugs, lose their temper, use
curse words
language, view
the wrong kind of movies, children will too often follow suit.
It should be realized to a small child his or her parents are as God to them, no one
greater. They are examples for them to follow for good or bad.
Examples Set by Leadership