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If arrest and trial are the penalty for obeying God and His laws,
then we will suffer until Christ returns. Then, we will rule this world
with Hirn with all the might and power of the universe.
Persecutors take notice! We, the Church, shall preach the gospel in
accordance with the Great Commission that Christ has given us and we shall
not permit the State of California or any of its corrupt agents to take
that Great Commission from us. We, like the Apostle Paul, shall carry out
our Great Commission from jail if need be.
With deep love, in Jesus' name,
I would like to take time to express our gratitude for all those who have
contributed selflessly of their time, talents and energies, in the many
different opportunities to serve God's people, bringing the curtain down
on the greatest and most exciting Feast ever.
Some members of my family were fortunate to observe the Feast in Australia
where they shared the same experience of a rewarding, and exciting Feast.
I would be remiss if I didn't acknowledge the dedication, strength of
conversion, and high caliber, of the ministry serving throughout the Inter­
national Work.
In addition to this I am happy to announce that some long overdue ordina­
tions approved by Mr. Armstrong took place both here and abroad. For the
sake of brevity, the names of those ordained will not appear here, but
will be listed in the Worldwide News.
--Joe Tkach
There seems to be an upturn in news coverage of God's Church and its
battle with the State of California. Several articles appeared in local
newspapers during and after the festival in Tucson. The wire services (AP,
UPI) picked up stories so you may have seen variations in your own local
papers. We are seeing more favorable comment as some reporters begin to
grasp the bigness of our story! Tucson's Arizona Daily Star ran a front
page article Sunday, October 14 which became an AP article. We are re­
producing it here as representative of this trend. Following that is an
AP release which appeared in the Pasadena Star-News of October 17.