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Jesus Christ was called before Pontius Pilate. At that point he was
falsely charged. The scriptures tell us that Christ remained silent and
did not respond to the charges of his accusers (Matthew 27:13,14).
As Christ said, we are not to become a part of this world. lf we
were to obey and carry out every pronouncement of a corrupt political
force, we would in fact be a part of this world. We would be doing each
and every thing thiscorrupt political society wanted us to do. Can you
not see the effect of that? We would be no different from those of this
Also, we who have not been cut off from God and we, whose eyes have
been opened to His truth, understand Satan is the "accuser of the brethren"
(Revelation 12:10), and that Satan is the master persecutor of His True
Church (Revelation 12:13).
It is Satan who is the invisible ultimate force behind the attack by
the State and all of the vile lies that the State and its agents have
lodged against the brethren of God's Church, its leaders and flock alike.
Hence, if we were to obey all unconstitutional and illegal demands
of the State and its corrupt officials, we would, in fact, be obeying
Satan. We would become members of an occult religion-
Read in Matthew 4, where Satan demanded Christ to do certain things
and Christ refused!
The bottom line is that if we were to condescend and if we were to
give the State all that the State wants, we would be conceding to the State
that it has the right to supervise and control God's Church. If we were
to do that, we would be in fact giving up the Great Cormnission and the
responsibility that God has given to us to preach the gospel to all the
world as a witness.
As the State is the unwitting agent of Satan, then obviously the
gospel would no longer be preached.
Therefore, as the Living Christ's chosen Apostle, as His instrument
to rebuild His Church according to God's laws and to administer His laws
through His government, I hereby make the following proclamation:
We shall continue to resist the State's /California's/ unlawful
efforts to confiscate the properties of the Living God, to seize the
Church records and to pry into Church affairs. We are filing appropriate
writs in State and Federal Appellate Courts. We pray that an Appellate
Court will declare the State's conduct contrary to the First Amendment
of the Constitution of the United States.
But, Christ said that we were going to be persecuted (John 15:20;
Revelation 12:13).
We have done no wrong!
Therefore, if this is the beginning of such persecution, then let the
persecutors know that we are going to obey God and receive the blessing
of His promise for so doing (Matthew 5:10-12).