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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, September 25, 1979
Page 10
I am already getting quite excited over the Feast. I just know this
will be the best Feast I ever kept.
It is now my sixth Feast and
they really do keep getting better.
--Ann Przemielewski (Buffalo, NY)
My wife and I are so excited about the upcoming Feast of Tabernacles
1979! This is the first time since I have been out of high school
that my vacation time will be perfect for the Feast.
I have lost
two previous jobs because of my keeping of God's Holy Days. This
year will be my 10th Feast.
It will be my wife's 23rd or 24th
Feast! We are so excited!!! We can hardly wait!!
--Mr. & Mrs. Jackie McConnell (Springfield, MO)
Mr. Armstrong's China Trip
I just wanted to let you know that we are thrilled beyond words at
the news of God's apostle going to China! To realize God's represen­
tative is going at their invitation! How wonderful. We know that
God is really with you in all you are doing now and are awed by it
--Olan McRay (Birminghan, AL)
We have been keeping our eyes and ears open for every little tidbit
of information about your upcoming trip to China this fall. We are
very excited about it and of course we have been praying a great deal
about it lately.
--Mr. & Mrs. Warren Larson (Marysville, WA)
I will pray for you on your trip to China. Every Gospel mission you
undertake brings us that much closer to God's Kingdom.
--V. Korstrap (Long Beach, CA)
We are excited about your coming trip to China and praying for your
good health and that God will give you the wisdom to know how to
preach the Gospel in a country that doesn't even admit God's exist-
--Mr. & Mrs. Randy Gregory (Austin, TX)
We are very excited about your trip to China and the red carpet treat­
ment Mr. Rader received from them. God is surely speeding things up
when we realize that you will be taking the gospel to a country which
has over one quarter of the entire world's population.
--Mr. & Mrs. Frank Fridrich (Austin, TX)
BIG BOOSTS FOR CHURCH UNITY: Vatican sources, on the eve of Pope John
Paul II's visit to Ireland and the United States, have announced the
convening of an extraordinary conclave of cardinals in November.
purpose of the meeting has not yet been revealed, but it will undoubtedly
be an important one. For the "princes of the church" to gather for
reasons other than the election of a new pope or the naming of new car­
dinals is unprecedented.