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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, September 25, 1979
Page 9
people meeting together for the Feast in these areas, God willing, will be
about 375.
Our Plain Truth mailing list is well on its way to our goal of 100,000
for Australia, and 35,000 for Asia. We now have 57 churches, an increase
of nine this past year. Mail is up 50% over last year, and the volume of
literature being sent out to our readers has increased by 56%. We anti­
cipate we will have mailed out around 2,000,000 items of literature by the
end of this year.
Next year it is planned for the Australian Plain Truth mailing list to
increase to 120,000, and the Asian P.T. list to rise to a maximum of
40,000. This means we will mail out, including the two Plain Truth mail­
ing lists, an estimated three and� quarter million items of literature-­
some six times the volume sent in 1976!
--Compiled by Rod Matthews, International Office
This weeK's letter comments focus on the Feast of Tabernacles and Mr.
Armstrong's forthcoming China trip.
The closer we get to the Feast, the more excitement and enthusiasm we're
seeing as people begin to anticipate what they feel will be the most
spiritually rewarding Feast ever.
Mr. Armstrong's forthcoming trip to China has sparked a deep interest
with many of the brethren. The trip has captured the imagination of the
members and many letters reflect the fact that Mr. Armstrong's personal
appeal for the brethren's prayers for his guidance has had a great impact.
Included in the letters below are typical examples of the comments we have
received about the Feast and the China trip.
--Mail Processing Center
Looking Forward to the Feast
Received my Feast confirmation today. Feast fever running high.
Looking for the cure at the Lake of the Ozarks.
--Mrs. Malcolm Martin (Houston, TX)
I'm really looking forward to the Feast this year more than I
ever have before. With all the trials the Church has gone through
this past year we need this Feast to draw us all closer together.
--Mrs. Virginia A. Richmond (Corydon, KY)
I'm getting so anxious for the Feast to arrive, hopefully to a new
site which in itself is exciting but also to be rejuvenated with
the spiritual food I know we will receive this year.
Am praying for
those who will be giving sermons that God will inspire them and also
the listening. That we will be doers of the Word and not just
--Mrs. Pauline E. Barnes (Tyrone, OK)