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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, September 18, 1979
Page 6
we taught this year at summer camp, and the standards we were aiming for
at college, church and Y.O.U. dances.
Mr. Armstrong was very pleased with the demonstration presented by
Ambassador graduate Chris Moen and his partner Janne Barrett, a college
Junior. He stressed the need for close supervision of the dances and a
balanced and moderate selection of music.
In keeping with Mr. Armstrong's
wishes,we are once again sending-rapes from headquarters for the Festival
Y.O.U. disco dances along with guidelines for the coordinators and members
at each site.
We concluded our visit around the piano where I was able to play several
selections for Mr. Armstrong including "disco" versions of "Alice Blue
Gown" and Beethoven's "Fifth." We'll have more information for you in
the near future on our goals in achieving balance in this very sensitive,
but extremely important area of our social activities.
--Ross Jutsum, Music Services
Last week we used up the remaining 18,000 PT newspaper inserts (a sample
of which we included in the August 14 Pastor General's Report) in the
Palm Springs Desert Sun, a newspaper whose readership is perhaps among
the most affluent and influential in the nation. The response should
prove to be very interesting, especially when compared with San Diego and
Sacramento, the other test cities in which we used this promotion.
You may remember that the insert is up front about what we are trying to
do and is not hiding behind a news magazine approach. It is open about
our message, the Church and the Bible. We have found that this apporach
is best in the long run. It gives us a lower initial response, but a
much better quality of reader; one who knows what to expect from The PLAIN
This is the time of year when we look at what we've achieved over the past
12 months. A lot of water has gone under the bridge, as they say. We've
had our problems, but we've worked to overcome them. The enemies of God's
Church tried hard to disrupt the Work early this year, but with God's help
we didn't miss a beat in publishing. We were closed down and locked out
twice, but somehow we made up the time by coming in at night and working
doubly hard when we got the doors opened up again. The magazines kept
rolling off the presses around the world. Publishing of the gospel was
not disrupted. For this we should be very thankful.
Some interesting figures for the past year are that we printed over 30
million magazines, booklets and mailings, worldwide, amounting to over
1,500 tons of paper. When converted back to trees this would amount to
over 70 acres of forest--a totally incredible fact when you consider all
this was given away free. Next year's trees are growing somewhere in the
forests, waiting to serve us in this great commission'.
--Roger Lippross , Publishing Services