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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, September lcl, 1979
Page 5
was actually destroyed by Frederic. The others, interestingly enough, have
been confiscated by the Emergency Preparedness Crews and will not be
available for at least two months.
PLEASE ANNOUNCE that numerous church families attending in Biloxi will have
to be reassigned housing in other facilities.
We are presently attempting
to contact the area but are hampered by phone lines which are still out
of order. Only today (Monday, September 17) have we been able to get in
touch with anyone by phone in that area. It no doubt will be necessary
for Al Garrett, our Biloxi Housing Officer, to make a special trip to
Biloxi to replace the housing units we have lost and examine the others
to be sure they are suitable for church members attending the Festival.
Please encourage everyone attending Biloxi to be patient. By the next
Pastor General's Report we will be able to announce the motels we ha-,1e lost
and the procedure we will be using to notify members concerning their new
housing assignments.
--Sherwin McMichael, Festival Dept.
Seemingl� everyone is commenting on how enthusiastic and highly motivated
the fn�shman students are at Ambassador this year. We are off to a great
College year--with God's continued blessing.
Very shortly all Church Pastors will be receiving the latest Ambassador
College Undergraduate Catalog. Since we haven't had a catalog in over two
years, we thought it good to send it to you as soon as it comes off the
This year's catalog reflects the new thrust of the College. For example,
after an absence of several years, Mr. Arsmtrong's "Founder's Statement"
is once again in the front section of the catalog. It contains some very
important concepts.
It has probably been many years since many of you
have had the opportunity to read the "Founder's Statement," so we are sure
you will appreciate seeing it again.
We hope this catalog will help you not only to better understand what the
College is doing, but also help you in counselling young people in your
congregation who have questions about Ambassador.
If you have any comments or questions regarding the catalog, please drop
us a line. We of the College administration and faculty certainly do
appreciate your input, especially in the area of evaluating prospective
We ask your prayers that we may keep Ambassador on track. We must keep
it the kind of God-centered College which Mr. Herbert
Armstrong intended
when he, under God's guidance, founded it over thirty-two years ago.
--Raymond F. McNair, Deputy Chancellor
Last Thursday afternoon, Mr. Jim Thornhill and I visited with Mr.
Armstrong in Tucson.
It was an extremely profitable and enjoyable
visit. First of all we previewed a videotape showing the kind of dancing