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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, September 11, 1979
Page 5
Our Literature Changes People's Lives
You simply must be made aware of my gratitude, enthusiasm and deep
satisfaction in receiving and studying the marvelous pamphlets and
booklets you have sent me graciously upon my request. It has sudden­
ly occurred to me that I have been a blinded, tormented captive of
this world's satanic system and indoctrination for most all of my
41 years here on earth, until I met you and discovered the wealth
of revelation, joy, love and illuminating truth which springs forth
from the Bible.
--Mrs. Buscher (Santa Barbara, CA)
Thank you kindly for the books you have sent me. They are making my
life a whole lot happier and building my faith stronger. I know they
must be helping a lot of people who were lost.
--Jeff Venturine (Portland, OR}
I've been receiving your literature for more than four years and I
would like to tell you I enjoy reading everything you write. It's
like a light in a dark tunnel. I searched for years for the right
information but nothing I found was sufficiently enlightening until
I accidentally ran across an advertisement for your literature. I
would never be able to tell you how thankful I am to have discovered
you. Thank God somebody has the right answers.
--Mrs. E. Deckert (Pleasanton, TX)
There are no words to express my thanks for the knowledge I've
received through the booklets I've received. I just had to let you
know of the inner joy this knowledge has brought to me--the truth
about God and His purpose for creating us after His "kind." It's so
very wonderful.
--Minnie S. Holder (Brewton, AL)
Thank you all for the literature I have received from the Church.
Through the booklets and articles, for the first time in my life, I
can go to the Bible and tell the difference between right and wrong.
--David Sawyer (Asheville, NC)
I would just like to say "Thank You" for the past five years. My
entire life has changed so drastically since I first came into
contact with this Work. I thank God and I thank you.
--David Elder (Valley Station, KY)
I have learned more from both you and my Bible in less than one year
than I ever learned in 79 years,and I started going to church when I
was only seven years old. I am over 80 years old now.
--Earl Leidy (Nelsonville, OH)
I have been studying the Bible now for two years and asked questions.
No one knew the answers--or said I shouldn't know the answers! But
with the help of your books borrowed from a friend, in just 10 weeks
I've learned more than I'd ever hoped and am able to answer my
--Kathaleen Lindgren (Toivola, MI)