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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, September 11, 1979
Page 4
News sources on nearby islands state that it is probable that Dominica
will have no electricity, phone or running water services until the end
of the year. The banana and coconut crops upon which the island depends
for income have been ruined for at least 2 years. Gas (petrol) supplies
are nearly exhausted and so, even if someone could get into the airport,
they may not be able to travel further except on foot, and the capital,
Roseau, is on the other side of the island.
The water shortage brings fear of cholera and typhoid because of streams
polluted with animal carcases. Mr. Bass is trying to find alternative
means to get there to evaluate the needs of our members.
Please pray for their safety, health and well-being, especially during
this period of isolation for them. Pray also for our three members in
the Dominican Republic. They live in a remote area, without phone ser­
vices, and we have no news of them yet. It appears to be an area not
hardest hit by the hurricane, so we hope they have survived intact.
--Rod Matthews, International Office
Each month the Subscriber Development section of MPC mails out a promo­
tional flyer called "Update" to donors and co-workers. "Update" usually
appears in a four-page format--with two pages providing news of Mr.
Herbert Armstrong's activities, new developments in the Work, and two
pages which offer helpful literature.
The July 1979 "Update" set a new record for the year--it drew a welcome
11.3% response to its advertisement for "The Six Great Doctrines of
Hebrews 6." 4,140 responses were received which makes it the highest
pulling "Update" so far this year.
The "Update" is our present replacement for the previous "Co-Worker
Newsletter." The CW Newsletter format was a bit more extensive--and a
return envelope was always included. Because of the budgetary cutbacks
due to the receiver, the "Update" has no return envelope with it. We
feel positive that a return envelope could raise our level of response
to the "Update" even higher. But, the envelope will have to wait until
the budget permits its use again.
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
The mail comments this week are a sampling of the many letters relating the
positive changes brought about in people's lives by the Church's Gospel
message. Here is more living proof our message offers real answers to
life's deepest questions and leads to a change in attitude, thinking and
conduct. These letters reveal joy, love, hope, happiness, fulfillment and
a deep inner peace resulting from the truths and guidance received from the
material they have read. And with these attributes comes an ability to
face life's trials.
--Mail Processing Center