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advantages of participation in the Olympics, from both humanitarian and
spiritual points of view, and gave the go-ahead.
The Foundation fulfilled these conunitments with warm appreciation and sin­
cere thanks from the Special Olympics officials. Mrs. Shriver herself
specifically remarked that the program we produced was a "very nice gift"
and "probably could not have been done" without the Ambassador Foundation
(due to her very high standards for the program). Ambassador Foundation
can count on having made good impressions and close friends high within the
Kennedy Foundation as a result of this project. And certainly Christ must
be well pleased that we were able to contribute our help to a meaningful
event so important to many less fortunate young people and their families.
Southern India Tour
Mr. Kulasingarn returned from a very successful tour from July 14 through
July 22. The eight cities visited and their respective attendences were:
Bangalore 25, Quilon 20, Coimbatore 20, Madurai 12, Cochin 22,
Thiruchirapalli 21, Kottayam 20, Madras 52.
Mr. Kulasingam reported that those who attended the meetings have been in
touch with the Work for seven or eight years. They asked questions in
relation to their understanding of the truth concerning the future for
their children, their marriages, homes, jobs, and who would bury them. He
explained to them that a foundation was being laid and that in time the
church would be established and able to help with such points.
Most of those in attendance were from Hindu homes (the native religion and
philcsophy of India). Four baptisms were performed and seven outlying
Bible studies will be arranged in the near future.
Mr. Kulasingam went on to report:
"This is the monsoon season for the
south, yet the Great God made it possible for us to visit all these places
without rain. We had sunshine all the way. Today the papers say that all
the places we visited have heavy rains and in some areas floods. Even
regarding the bill on 'Freedom of Religion,' God has intervened, and a new
,;Jovernment is set up." (This so-called ''Freedom of Religion" bill was a
proposal to prevent converting Hindus to any other religion. It would
have made it illegal to "proselyte").
July was an exhilarating month for the German-language-area ministers as
far as future planning is concerned. Firstly, Mr. Armstrong's guidelines
emphasizing the need to prepare the Church for Christ's return have given
us an exciting focus for the rest of 1979 and t�e early 1980s.
planning the 1980 budqet has helped us all to c9ncentrate our thinking on
the future here in the German-language areas, especially on the effects of
our planned increase in PT subscriber levels on the ministry and the
churches here.
To match our hopes for the com{ng year, the income for July was up 24% over
last year, and our year-to-date income registers +10%. We also put 270