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donors and 55% of the co-workers who have resumed their financial support of
the Work have done so through the PLAIN TRUTH renewal program. One thing
this shows us is that the PLAIN TRUTH is still valued by these people and
is something they feel worth supporting.
We want to encourage everyone cf you to keep doing the best job you can with
the newsstand program and also in mar}�eting Mr. Armstrong's book
The Incre­
dible Hum:3-n_PotentiaJ_ (which is going well
by the way). Thanks for your
constant hard work and for your dedication and loyal support. We want you
to r2a1.i.ze that we do a_ppreciate your efforts very much.
--Roger Lippross, Publishing Services
Mr. Armstrong has now edited and approved most of the copy for t�e October/
Noveinber combined issue of the PT" We stil 1 have a few loose ends to tie
up ::m that, otherwise it is basically complete in terms of copy. We are
now working :::m December"
Mr. Armstrong had also ordered that his article "What is Man?" be reprinted.
We are happy to report that we have already done so and we have some 20,000
copies in stock. It will be advertised in the PT.
I am now preparing lectures for the upcoming journalism class. We hope to
have a good turnout again this semester--especially of those ministers
who are in on sabbatical. This time it will be a two-semester class
which will allow us to be somewhat more thorough in developing certain
themes. We'll look forward to seeing some bf you there!
--Brian Knowles
(Editor's Note: Bernie Schnippert, a minister in God's Church working here
in Pasadena, was invited to attend the recent Special Olympics held in
Rochester, New York as a result of AICF involvement with the games. Here
is his report.)
A.I.C.F. has completed another "good works" project aimed at letting our
Christian light shine. In response to a request from the Director of the
1979 International Summer Special Olympic Games last year, the Foundation
lent its resources to helping make the games a success. The Special Olympics
-- held this year August 9 through 13--are a series of athletic events
(track and field, swimming, etc.) held specificaliy so that the mentally
handicapped (retarded) can know the thrill of participation in a sports
event and personal achievement. The Olympics are presided over by Mrs. EunicE
Kennedy Shriver (Senator Ted Kennedy's sister) as a project of the well­
known and respected Joseph P. Kennedy Foundation.
Specifically, the Ambassador Foundation was asked to sponsor 25 athletes
with a modest donation, to run an article about the Olympics in Quest
magazine (it appeared in the July/August, 1979 issue) and to produce their
special 72-page souvenir program. Mr. Stanley Rader immediately saw the