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S REPOR':', Au,gust 21, 1979
Page 7
The .month of August has been an encouraging month for everyone. Many
letters have come in from ministers and church members alike expressing
their joy and gratitude to see !
Ir. Armstrong take full control of the
ministry and Church again.
The response ir P3s2dena to Mr. Armstrong's scheduled live address from
.cson ,-ia mic:r-owa,.e telecast was mo'.:'t outstanding. _A..bout 3000 members
fillecS the audit,_:irium .. and the gymnasium, and nine southlan::3. Churches ,.,;rere
tied in by telephone hook up. Unfortunately, as sometimes happens with a
live broadcast, a physical or technical difficulty required him to postpone
th�address one or two weeks. We are all anxiously waiting to see and hear
from him ln the near future.
The Member's Hotline has se:r-ved a valuable purpose by keeping our members
informed of important news involving the Work, particularly news concerning
the attack against �he Church by the state of California. in the future,
the Ffor . ,
ber' s �--iot:in.1c:: •;,ri..11 only be produced when there is very important or
ur;e:::-1t ne,vs, instead cf everyweek as it is now. On Sabbaths when there
is no.Member's Hotline, portions of the Pastor General's Report can be
re:1d to the congregation to keep them informed on general news or develop­
The money saved by not reproducing the Member's Hotline every week can be
used f.or hall rental for weekly Bible studies in church areas where Bible
stud�es are now non-existant. In John 21:15-17 Christ emphasized His desire
that we keep the flock well fed.
Jude's exhortation in Jude 3 to "earnestly contend for the faith which was
or.ce delivere
Jnto the saints, " was not without reason. Notice verse 4:
"For there a::::-e certain :::,ien crept in unawares, who were before of old
ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God
into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus
The same holds true today. There are those who would love to destroy God's
Church and sc:atter His flock. We must not underestimate the enemy. We
must, as God's ministers, "Be instant in season, out of season, reprove,
rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine."
Christ's admonition to "feed my sheep" falls upon us! Mr. Armstrong wants
every local congregation�b�having weekly Bible studies. Smaller Bible
3u.1dies in private homes can substitute until halls can be located. "'he
Bible studies are extremely important tools �n making God's Church ready
for the soon return of Jesus Christ.
Stay close to God and remember always to pray for Mr. Armstrong.
As the
China- trip draws -near, pray even more earnestly for his health, success,
and protection. Pray for God's guidance and protection for Mr. Rader as
he makes advance preparations for these extremely important meetings with
top officials of the Chinese government.
Your servant in Christ,
Joe Tkach