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Right now we are looking forward with great anticipation to the coming
Feast of Tabernacles. The Festival Department has been hard at work making
all plans since the end of last year's Feast. We are expecting it to be
Through the Y.O.U. and the Y.E.S. organization new plans are being made
for the children at the Feast, which I find extremely important and exciting.
Plans are being laid to bring all family units together, and to initiate
more active participation on the part of children than ever before.
Real important progress has been made during this past year in setting
the Church and entire Work back solidly on GOD'S TRACK! The Church �ILL be
made ready for Christ's coming! God says so in Revelationl9:�-
(Editor's Note: Mr. Armstrong requested that the following letter, dated
August 12,�reproduced in the Pastor General's Report.)
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
I write this short letter to thank you for the recent and inspired changes
in the ministry.
Mr. Armstrong, we are overwhelmed and greatly uplifted with your recent
decisions in getting the church cleaned up. It is still so inspiring, we
are still "walking on air"! Now we as church pastors can get to the bus­
iness at hand of serving God's people without jealousy, competition, and
political chicanery. NOW we have the unmistakeable privilege of following
your example, your lead, and your wisdom. I thank God we have you as our
Pastor General. This is the keynote in nearly every sermon I preach and
the brethren appreciate it.
Thank you for your faithfulness of over 50 years. Thank you for being our
"father in the truth." Thank you for being so selfless that you lay down
your life everyday. Thank you for travelling all �ver the world to proclaim
the Gospel as you have been commissioned. May the Great God above sustain
you until the return of His Holy Son, Jesus Christ.
WE ARE WITH YOU, Mr. Armstrong! We want you to know it. And we deeply
appreciate the privilege to serve alongside you.
With Christian Love and Appreciation,
(Name withheld by Mr. Armstrong)