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able to re-allocate some of these unused materials to areas unable
to wait for us to catch up with our backlog of orders.
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Nevertheless, the response to the newsstand program from first time
readers shows that the concentrated efforts of our volunteers is
paying off in a big way.
Mail processing is now receiving in excess
of 3,000 newsstand responses per week.
This is roughly double the
amount we were receiving 6 to 8 months ago, meaning that response has
been increasing at an- even faster rate than the aistribution!
We are
expecting even more dramatic increases in response in the near future
as a result of improvements in the format of the newsstand magazine.
Also, a new insert card and advertisement have been designed to first
appear in the June newsstand issue.
It is our hope that the program will be able to continue to grow at
a steady pace throughout the upcoming fiscal year.
As you can see,
so far
the results have exceeded our expectations.
Please communicate the information in this report to those most
deeply involved in Plain Truth distribution.
--Mark Armstrong, Director of Newsstands
Since the incep­
tion of the "Coworker Newsletter," Subscriber Development has striven
to maximize literature responses as much as possible.
It is our
belief that the more we can get solid information about God's truth
into the hands of our readers, the more spiritual growth we will
eventually see, as God "gives the increase."
It has been our goal
to surpass a 15% lit response from coworkers and a 10% response from
Both goals were achieved with February's Newsletter which advertised
Are We Living In The Last Days?, together with some help from TV and
Coworkers turned in a 16.0% response and donors 10.6%.
Simultaneous television and radio advertising of this booklet un­
doubtedly helped boost the record response.
Now, with this accomplish­
ment behind us, our long-term goal will be to obtain a response of
20% for coworkers and 15% for donors.
Mail & WATS Update:
A total of 171,000 letters and 45,000 telephone
registries were received in the month of March.
This brings the yearly
mail count to just under half a million, and phone registries to a
little over 144,000.
There has been a sizeable response to the Sabbath discrimination
survey form sent to the church membership by the legal department.
Many members have written notes and letters in addition to the form,
giving us their opinions and feelings about this situation.
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
The long-awaited new lesson 12 of the
current edition of the CC has at last been completed--and it "covers
the waterfront"!
It deals with Christianity as a way of life, the
weekly and annual sabbaths,tithing, overcoming and various aspects of
It's at least twice the thickness of a normal lesson.
I'm sending it to press right away and it should be available in