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Also, you ar� going to be receiving a survey to elicit your sug­
gestions on successful programs you may have had in your areas to
stimulate Church growth. Since member drain obviously blunts growth,
this survey will also seek information to help us understand who is
leaving the Church and why.
Many exciting things are happening here at HQ, which we will be
reporting to you week by week. We want to keep you as fully informed
as possible, and we will do our utmost to help �ou understand the
steps we are taking, and the full reasons behind them.
--Ted Herlofson, Church Coordinating Team
served in numerous key positions since his graduation from AC in 1954
(most recently as director of the Canadian work), has been asked by
Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong to serve him as his personal assistant in
Pasadena. "I'll be acting as a liaison for Mr. Armstrong in co­
ordinating and helping carry through with things Mr. Armstrong wants
done," Mr. Cole said. Mr. Ted Armstrong subsequently asked Mr. Cole
to also serve on the newly created ministerial management team
established to assist GTA in his direction of the ministry.
GTA ATTENDING NAB CONVENTION Mr. Ted Armstrong and several others
from HQ, including some of our TV staff, are attending the National
Association of Broadcasters convention in Las Vegas through Wednesday
of this week. The convention is an opportunity for Mr. GTA to renew
acquaintances and meet new radio program managers. Hopefully, this
will lead to more favorable times and stations for the World Tomorrow
radlo broadcast.
newsstand distribution has been snowballing at an unprecedented rate
over the past several weeks. We are finding it increasingly more
difficult to keep up with the overwhelming demand for additional
magazines and display racks. In fact, our allotment of June magazines
has been completely allocated two weeks ahead of schedule! Conse­
quently, we have already had to begin promising increases for the
July-August issue.
It seems that the longer a Church area participates in the newsstand
program the more adept our volunteers become at obtaining new and
higher class outlets. However, we would like to caution our areas
of distribution against making any conunitments which would require
substantial increases in shipment of magazines and or display racks
without first making sure that we can supply the necessary materials.
As I have mentioned in recent issues of Pastor's Report, we are in
the process of expanding into new airports on a regular basis (four
,aore are scheduled to open in the immediate future) . This, coupled
with the intense enthusiasm of those helping with the Plain Truth
distribution, has caused us to use up our supply of display equipment
much faster than we had anticipated. We now have a backlog of orders
for almost every type of display rack. This means that delivery of
racks will be delayed approximately 3 to 4 weeks. We would like
any areas that have racks or magazines that they are not presently
using to get in contact with us inunediately. Hopefully we will be