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PASTOR'S REPORT, July 11, 1979
Page 12
The newsstand program continues to expand--200,000 copies will go on dis­
play in July now that Calgary, Saskatoon, North Battleford, Regina and
Moose Jaw have established distribution outlets.
July is, of course, time for field and sabbatical transfers. Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Fahey and family have arrived. Mr. Fahey will be Area Co-ordinator
for the British Columbia region and has already begun a tour of the churches
in his area. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Greider will be moving to the Vancouver
Church area from Barrie, Ontario in the next few weeks to become Pastor of
the Vancouver Church and to coordi�ate Y.O.U. and Y.E.S. programs from the
--Compiled by Rod Matthews, International Office
(Editor's Note: The following letter from two of our members was passed
on to us for possible use in the Pastor's Report. We think you'll enjoy
its humorous ending as much as we did.)
Dear Mr. Rader:
One thing this recent legal action against the Church has done is to
bring you out into the spotlight where we can see you, and there­
fore, begin to appreciate your work and effort and fine accomplish­
ments that you're giving to the Church.
As you know, before all this came to light there were many_rumors
and stories; Rader this or Rader that, going about thru the Church.
The only thing I could say when I would hear one of them is I really
don't know anything about Mr. Rader. Even our minister said the same,
but now we all do know quite a bit about you, and it is quite a good
feeling to know we have such a fine and capable man on our team.
I just finished reading "Forum with Stanley Rader" from the May 3rd
Q & A out of the June 11th Worldwide News. At the end you mentioned
some people objecting to your terminology with Mike Wallace on 60
Well, did you hear the story about the youngster who was
sitting on the front step of his house when the local minister
happened by?
The minister thought it would be a good time to encourage the boy to
come to church, and engaged him in conversation. The minister said,
"Why is it Johnny that I have not seen you in services at church?"
John replied, "There's too much bad language used there and I don't
like to listen to it." Said the minister ( slightly perturbed) ,
"Come to services and if you hear me use any profane language I'll
give you 10 dollars."
The next day at services sat Johnny in the front row and as the
minister was enthusiastically delivering his sermon about how God is
in our lives, the minister stated "By God we live, and by God we die."
Up stands Johnny and shouts out, "And'by God'you owe me ten dollars!"
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Muench