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PASTOR'S REPORT, July 11, 1979
Page 8
working relationship between employees--but has the capacity for possible
expansion in the future.
The new mail opening office is simply an extension of, and under the
auspices of, the Mail Processing Center here in Pasadena. The same proce­
dures which we have used for years with Mr. Armstrong's approval will be
used there. And, the same basic training program we use here has prepared
the personnel there. At present, there are about 10 people working in the
Tucson office.
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
Since the beginning of the year, the Attorney General has resisted in
court all of our attorneys' efforts to obtain a list of the various Church
documents that have been in his possession. Finally, several weeks ago
the Attorney General was ordered by the court to produce such a list. Con­
sequently, on Friday afternoon, June�, Church officials did receive the
court ordered list. The papers furnished by the Attorney General revealed
that he has had in his possession 819 different documents, some of which
are 24 to 50 pages in length!
"These documents include the very financial records which the State from
the outset has claimed that it needs for the audit it seeks,'' commented
Mr. Rader in a statement July4th, ''and, indeed, arethe very records that
the State has accused the Church of shredding and destroying.
Thus, from
the outset of this action the Attorney General has had, albeit ey the�
his audit."
As an example of what Mr. Rader is talking about, the Attorney General has
copies of the Work's certified financial statements gcing back more than
10 years. He also has copies of various tax returns and information returns
filed by the Church, College or Foundation going back ten years or more.
In addition, the Attorney General has copies of all of Mr. Jack Kessler's
audit working pape�s which go into great detail for each of the years that
Mr. Kessler (the Church's outside auditor) and/or others have audited the
"Similarly," continues Mr. Rader, "he_Lthe Attorney General/ has never ha,"
to worry about document destruction /since he already possessed the infor­
mation he "needs''/. It is clear, therefore, that this /the state's/ entire
action is a fraud, a charade designed solely to establish state sovereignty
over the Church, and benefiting the dissident 'relators' in the process.
Watergate pales beside this massive dishonesty in government."
The Work of God will not stand by and be victimized at the cost of our
f.::-eedoms, Mr. Rader announced. "Our legal counsel are in the process of
preparing and will file our own massive suit to regain possession of our
documents and for damages resulting from their theft. We will vindicate
our right to worship freely and in peace. We will not allow the State's
naked assertion of power to be sanctioned or to go unpunished. With your
continued support, the Work /of God/ will be done."
(Editor's �ote: Nearly all the rest of Mr. Rader's July 4th st tement was
published verbatim in the evening edition of the July 5th Pasadena Star­
News, as well as in the morning edition of the 6th. We have reproduce3
that article in this issue of the MEMBER'S HOTLINE for you interest.)