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PASTOR'S REPORT, July 11, 1979
Page 7
Creator is the real source of the POWER we will receive to clean up the
Church, finish the Work and, together, enter the very Kingdom of God.
So let's make a CRUSADE of this, fellow ministers. Let's preach and
teach about it. Counsel and encourage the brethren about it, and make
this a fervently praying Church more than ever before! And let's start
out by setting the example and doing it ourselves.
Roderick C. Meredith
Sabbath, July 7th, Mr. Armstrong flew to Orr, Minnesota to speak to the
teenagers attending S.E.P. It was Mr. Armstrong's first visit since 1970,
and Mr. Armstrong was amazed at the changes which had taken place at the
Orr campus. After the brief tour of the facilities, Mr. Armstrong was
warmly greeted by all. Students and adults gave a standing ovation of
appreciation as Mr. Armstrong entered the building as well as when he got
on stage. All were attentive throughout the sermon, and a tape of Mr.
Armstrong's message is being sent out to all the congregations.
Mr. Armstrong has also begun making the WATS line taped messages so that
everyone can hear what is going on at headquarters. �he fi�st tape, made
on board the G-II during the return trip from Orr last Saturday, is the
first of the once-a-week news tapes he will be doing. The telephone nu�bers
for the tape are the same as before for those outside of California, Alaska
and Hawaii (800-423-4444). Those three states should call (213) 577-5225.
Those calling should call during normal business hours and please let the
operator know w·ho you are. Some have had deacons or local leading men call
in to record the message which is fine. If they would tell the operator
who they are or who they are calling for it would be appreciated. Anyone
you feel should call in, by all means feel free to let them. The only pro­
blem would be if the lines become too busy, in which case those tabulating
telephone response will let us know. The code number for the tape messages
will remain the same. As Mr. Armstrong finds the tiITe, perhaps the �ape�
will become bi-weekly. However, with Mr. Armstrong working harder than eve�,
his schedule may not permit the "two-a-week" series.
--Kevin Dean, Public Information Office
Thursday of last week, July 5th, �r. George McFarland and I went to Tu2son
to open and dedicate the new mail opening facility. Messrs. Rod Meredith
and Dennis Luker happened to be traveling with us to see Mr. Annstrong,
and also attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony which marked tLe move into
permanent office quarters.
The new office is centrally located with easy access to the post of:'ce
and other business connections. It is of moderate size, allowing a ��cs�