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PASTOR'S REPORT, June 18, 1979
Page 12
As always, we require that all applicants be able to do college-level work.
But we are once again looking more closely at a student's overall qualifi­
cations (leadership, character, etc.)
Please encourage those in your areas to attend Ambassador College--if you
think they are proper college material. Thanks for your help.
--Raymond F. McNair, Deputy Chancellor
On Friday, June 15, employees of the Church and college were updated on the
latest developments in the Work. The session, in which Mr. Rader encouraged
free and uninhibited questions on any topic, was very informative as many
questions of interest to both members and employees in particular were
answered. Installments of this entire meeting will appear in upcoming
issues of the Worldwide News. Meanwhile, here are a few highlights:
The Andersen Audit and New Lines of Credit
The Churc�-commissioned audit by Arthur Andersen and Company is, for all
practical purposes, completed now, Mr. Rader announced. The results should
be released in about two weeks. He was also pleased to announce that "we've
given them complete cooperation--total access to everything we have ...There
is nothing that they have requested that we haven't given them."
The Church asked the auditors to meet with some of our new bankers together
with representatives of our business office. The banks are now assured,
on the strength of our record, that we are good clients and have eagerly
extended lines of credit to us. Our readers will recall that our former
banking and credit arrangements were destroyed when the state pounced on
the Church without notice and the receiver dropped the ball in failing to
protect the sterling banking relationships God's Church had built over many
Although new banks are prepared and willing to extend us the credit we need
during the low income periods of the year, "Unfortunately," Mr. Rader con­
tinued, "we are not prepared at this point to accept the credit, the loans,
because we are still waiting for a precise clarification of one point in the
court order that was finally signed, as you will recall, by the Honorable
Judge Title."
That court order said that we must give the Attorney General lQ_ days notice
before we borrow any money. But herein lies the snag: Mr. Rader went on
to explain that "We are not about to give the Attorney General notice of
anything that we do, other than to serve him formally with bits and pieces
of the lawsuit filings as they are required. For us to give notice to the
Attorney General would be to admit that he has jurisdiction over us. The
issue that we are concerned about is that he doesn't have any �risdiction!"
So we will be going back before Judge Title to get a clarification on that
point in the court order, which our lawyers believe was automatically stayed
by reason of the appeal anyway. If we don't get a ruling from Judge Title
which will permit us financial freedom, we will go up immediately to the
appellate court on this very narrow point and the matter should be resolved.