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PASTOR'S REPORT, June 18, 1979
Page 11
Year-to-date mail received is up 75% over 1978 due to a massive nation­
wide promotion of the Plain Truth which has more than doubled the PT
mailing list there.
--Compiled by Rod Matthews, International Office
Greetings from those of us on the College Administration Staff�
In spite of any difficulties due to the imposition of the Receivership dur­
ing the last semester of the college, we had a very good year overall. Both
students and faculty agree that Ambassador is already "back on the track."
We are recapturing the same spirit which we had on campus during the early
years of the college.
On May 14 we held our Corrunencement exercises at which time 38 students
graduated with Bachelor of Arts degrees and 23 received Bachelor of Science
degrees. The ceremony was held in the Lower Gardens under beautifully sunny,
Pasadena skies.
This surruner we are offering five classes for the 35 students who will grad­
uate in August after finishing their coursework over the next two months.
All of us are looking forward to the new school year which begins August 27.
Enrollment is expected to be between 350-400.
In order for next year's students to receive a maximum of guidance and
supervision from the faculty and administration, we will require all under­
graduate single students to live� campus beginning next fall. Also, dual
enrollment with other colleges and universities will be prohibited. We
feel that this will not only greatly enhance the unity of .Ambassador's
student body, but will also better enable the students to participate fully
in college activities.
On May 17, 23 members of the College administration and faculty visited
Mr. Armstrong in his home in Tucson so he could instruct and encourage us
all in maintaining God's way in the college. The visit was very enjoyable,
inspiring, and profitable. Many have expressed the hope that we may visit
him once more before classes begin in August.
During our visit, Mr. Armstrong told us that he has come to realize that
"higher" degrees from this world's institutions have been detrimental to
many of our faculty. For this reason, we are no longer requiring our
faculty to go "outside" for degrees. In fact, the college will no longer
subsidize any "higher" degrees from this world's colleges and universities.
Many thanks to you for your input regarding prospective students from your
areas. Needless to say, we rely very heavily on your assistance in this
matter of accepting only the finest for the "West Point" of God's Work.
We deeply appreciate your evaluations and reconunendations concerning all
prospective students.
It isn't too late for promising young people to apply for entrance into
Ambassador College for the coming 1979-80 college year, but any who want to
enter, must send their applications very soon if they don't want to be left