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PASTOR'S REPORT, June 18, 1979
Page 8
But the U.S. in P., as we called it, does picture what is prophesied
to HAPPEN to our United States.
Let's not kid ourselves! We are in the LAST DAYS! Frightful times
are ahead. SO, let us work while it is day, for the night cometh when no
man can work!
Let me add that the Russians make treaties ONLY FOR THE PURPOSE OF
BREAKING THEM! Yes, we shall find it is a united EUROPE, not USSR, that
will inflict the frightening blow, killing one third of our population,
after another third has died of disease epidemics resulting from a soon­
* * * * *
Dear Fellow Ministers:
Greetings from Pasadena! We are all fine here and I just got a fine
report on the Shreveport campaign.
We have cut the campaign format to two nights as it is more effective.
So in Shreveport they had 576 people--with 71 new attendees--Friday night;
and 333 total people--with 51 new--attending Saturday night. Mr. Ron Kelly,
who acted as master of ceremonies, said everything went well, Mr. McMichael
did a fine job and the brethren were very enthusiastic and much helped by
the campaign in addition to a good response from the new people. We will
be letting you know the follow-up Bible study statistics as we get them all
compiled and will be planning more of these campaigns for the fall season
after the Feast of Tabernacles.
Mr. Armstrong had a busy week last week and had long meetings with a
number of our executives and administrators from Pasadena--plus talking to
several of us here in Pasadena on many matters by phone. So he is certainly
keeping on top of things.
By the way, following Raymond McNair's example in the British churches
while he was in charge there, I would like to ask ALL of you ministers
around the world to have a talk with your elders, deacons and leading men
in each church area who lead in prayer. Remind them of Paul's instruction
in I Tim. 2:1-2, and ask that the one who opens the church service in prayer
specifically--as part of his prayer--lead the congregation in asking for
God's blessing, guidance, wisdom, strength, etc., to be with Mr. Armstrong-­
the human leader and apostle whom he has placed over his Church and Work.
Then, if the man who opens in prayer should by some chance forget to do this,
be sur�the man who closes with prayer does do it.
I sincerely feel God will be well pleased with this as we should espe­
cially pray for Mr. Armstrong in the high office God has entrusted to him.
Doing this will help focus our brethren around the world on this fact, and
tend to cause them to think more about the worldwide Work and so help all
of us to be more unified in our thoughts and in our personal prayers to our
Also, I would like all of us, worldwide, to become far more acutely
aware of the DA..NGERS of alcoholism in our midst. I have had two or three