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PASTOR'S REPORT, June 18, 1979
Page 7
And, beginning in the fall of 1927 A.D., God began an absolutely
UNIQUE WORK in the one the living Christ had chosen to be His Apostle. He
put me through the wringer that squeezed out all former misconcepts and
untrue beliefs, using me to put His TRUTH into His Church that is to rise
and meet the glorified Christ in the clouds as He returns to establish the
Kingdom of God�
The END-TIME has come! God has restored original TRUTH! HOW PRECIOUS
IS IT TO YOU?--or do you trample it underfoot as swine would trample into
the mud the most precious diamonds, rubies, and precious stones, and go for
the slop?
Yes, Satan has tried to WATER DOWN true doctrine--to turn God's Church
to false truths. Apparently it is unhappily true that some willingly fall
by the wayside, and shall not continue on to enter into the KINGDOM OF GOD!
But I have not retired--! am still vigorously active. Jesus Christ is
still on God's Throne, as the dynamic living HEAD of God's Church!
* * * * *
by Herbert W. Armstrong
TV NEWS and DOCUMENTARIES right now, inspired by the signing of SALT-II
by President Carter and Brezhnev are picturing the imminent possibility of
a war so FRIGHTFUL words cannot express it. Brezhnev was quoted as saying
those left alive, in such a war, would envy the dead!
There is no prophecy of such a war between the U.S. and the SOVIET
UNION, but there is such an over-kill, super-frightful war in prophecy with
a UNITED EUROPE destroying the United States.
Fellow ministers and wives, God called me and prepared me in a most
unusual way. I know of nothing to match it in Biblical history. He SWEPT
MY MIND CLEAN of all contrary religious beliefs and worldly beliefs, gave
me HIS TRUTH, and raised up HIS CHURCH through me.
We have had, and survived, self-appointed doctrinal committees of
self-professed "scholars" who were searching diligently, NOT to discover
TRUTH or add new truth, but to try to prove these truths GOD GAVE ME AND
PLACED IN HIS CHURCH to be false, and get rid of them. Instead the living
Christ, HEAD of God's Church,has ridded His Church of those would-be schol­
ars, and the original TRUTHS are being REemphasized!
The UNITED STATES IN PROPHECY booklet was one. There were originally
a few isolated small errors in the original printing. I have been more
willing to change and remove them than the "scholars" trying to destroy the
MAJOR TRUTHS in that booklet. It will soon come out IN FULL {with those
few errors corrected, of course) in book stores around the world where the
English language is read. And perhaps within the year, that and other books
I am putting on the market, may be translated and put into book stores in
other languages.