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PASTOR'S REPORT, May 14, 1979
Page 19
of the events of the past four months? Because all get to be in a
position to pass it on to your brethren if you're in the field, and your
friends. Is there any question that was left uncovered? We've worked
very hard to try to disseminate the information, to disseminate in the
broadest possible way, to back it up with the facts so they would not be
dealing with speculation.
How many of you read the Aide Memoire that appeared in the Worldwide
News? There's not a single inaccuracy, in terms of the legal aspects of
this case. It can all be backed up by another package, which is the
"bare bones" package, which in turn can be backed up by the court trans­
cripts. We're beyond the stage of speculation. It's all there. You should
want to know what was said.
The attorney general's sorry now he said, "We own the church, we own the
property, the church has no rights, the church can't /doesn't have the
right to/ defend itself." He sounds like an idiot! That's what he
said--again, and again, and again. Now, in the fight for credibility,
he wants to say, "All we ever wanted was an examination." He never
asked for the examination. He hasn't asked for one since. He's asking
for an�counting, not an examination--something altogether different.
We follow the laws if they're accurate and they're honest, and if they're
legal. There's no law that says you have to give an accounting to any­
body. We do, but there's no law that says we have to. Do any of you
believe---rncioing what he shouldn't have to do? You must submit some­
times to higher authority. We all understand that much. But obedience
and submission are two different things.
But we have abided by the law, and we have been law-abiding citizens.
And we've had a reputation 46 years. Anybody see the CBS program that
was on Friday? Very interesting. You know who the Internal Revenue
agent was that was interviewed? The guy was here 18 months on our campus!
That's the Internal Revenue--18 months--like a permanent employee. And
he left /us7 a clean bill of health. But CBS didn't know that, so they
weren't able to ask him an "intelligent" question. If they had known
that it would have made the program rather interesting, wouldn't it? "Mr.
Corsey," they might have said, "You were the agent out there for 18
months. What are they /the state/ crying about?" He would have had to
answer, "I don't know. -After 18-months, I found nothing." They didn't
know that vital bit of information. They didn't know that he had spent
18 months. He knows as much about us as anybody else possibly could
coming from the outside. You don't live with a situation 18 months
without becoming pretty conversant with it.
If we were ripping off millions of dollars here and doing all these things
we're charged with, what do you think would happen to his career--24
years of service, big reputation? What do you think would happen to
him? They'd take a good look at him from then on when he hands in
reports. Maybe we bribed him.
Maybe that's the next allegation.
Once there was
word out a couple years ago that we bribed TIME magazine,
paid them a million dollars not to write an article. That's the type
of preposterous rumor we've had to fight in the field.
Mr. Helge c�n
tell you in a few minutes some of the other preposterous rumors that
were handed out last fall from Mr. Cole. Mr. Helge called him to lunch
and he told them how preposterous the rumors were and what could be done ab<