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PASTOR'S REPORT, May 14, 1979
Page 13
Let's be absolutely certain about that. We're not talking about specu­
lation now; we're talking about hard fact. They wanted to seize and
confiscate the property of the Worldwide Church of God, Ambassador
College, and the Ambassador International Cultural Foundation. They
wanted to remove Herbert W. Armstrong, the founder and pastor general of
this Church, and the rest of the "so-called management," as they described
They wanted to pilfer and siphon off millions of dollars for their own
benefit. Now we don't have to speculate upon it. The first thing they
did is appoint a receiver. And we. don't have to speculate what his posi­
tion was. He said he owns everything. He has control over everything.
The property belongs to him, and he's backed up by the State of Calif­
ornia! And some of you were in the room when he said it. We have the
recorded transcript.
The second thing they did is fire Mr. Herbert Armstrong, fire me, and
they were prepared to fire anybody else that got in their way. Ask Mr.
Raymond McNair if that's not the truth.
The third thing they did is begin to rip this Work off for millions of
dollars every year--they were planning on it. Three hundred and fifty­
six thousand dollars is what they wanted for the first six weeks. Figure
it out. Get a calculator. It comes out to three million dollars a year.
But that didn't satisfy them.
They also claimed that Mr. Armstrong and I were thieves; that we were
about to sell a $30 million piece of property for $10 million. We were
about to pocket the proceeds. Then what did they do? They went to court,
they got the sale confirmed at 10.5 million, and tried to get the 10.5
million put into their own bank account. Now, is that plain to every­
body, or is there something left unsaid? Do any of you think that Mr.
is right when he has said Mr. Armstrong is wrong--that we should
not do what Mr. Armstrong suggested the Bible teaches us, that we "obey
God and not man" if there's a conflict? Does anybody think that Mr.
Armstrong has been wrong? Let him speak up now.
Student: Yes, sir.
Rader: Where is Mr. Armstrong wrong?
Student: Well, where it says don't resist the parties that have rule
over us.
Rader: How have we resisted them?
Student: By saying we would do things when we wouldn't do them.
Rader: We what?
Student: Saying we would do things when we wouldn't do them.
Rader: Do what things?
Student: When you said you would cooperate with the court order.
Rader: I said I would cooperate with Judge Title. Don't ever misquote