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PASTOR'S REPORT, May 14, 1979
Page 12
On May 8th, at Mr. Armstrong's request, Mr. Rader, Mr. Helge and Mr.
LaRavia spoke to the sabbatical ministers and a few other students about
the key issues relevant to the Church's legal battle with the State of
California, and the attitudes of some regarding those issues. Following
is the transcript of that lecture session which should be of special
interest to all the ministry.
Mr. Rader's CoITU11ents
I believe it was some time last fall that arrangements were made for me
to have lunch and to speak with the ministers who were here on their
sabbatical training period. That was before events that have transpired
since January third.
I thought that this would be a fitting and proper occasion to speak with
you again before you departed for other places, particularly in light of
the fact that Mr. Armstrong and I, Mr. LaRavia and others who are in
positions of some responsibility in the Church, have been given informa­
tion ov�r some considerable period of time about unfortunate coITU11ents
that have been made at various times and in various places, to the sab­
batical ministers meeting here. These were made by persons in the minis­
try and other persons also delegated responsibility to not only state the
truth, but also to teach--coITU11ents that have not been in the best interests
of the Work, and not been in the best interests of Mr. Armstrong. Rather
than let those conunents go unrebutted or, rather than let you go back out
into the field without knowledge that Mr. Armstrong and others have been
aware of the coITU11ents that have been made--we think it is better that we
address ourselves, at least in part, to that situation today.
Now on January 4, 1979, Mr. Armstrong entrusted to five people a very
awesome responsibility. And he entrusted those five people with that
awesome responsibility in the most certain terms. What he said left
nothing to the imagination. He ordered and coITU11anded in the name of the
Living God, as Christ's Apostle, that Mr. Meredith, Mr. McNair, Mr.
LaRavia, Mr. Helge, and I should do everything in our power to protect
the Work of the Living God, and to keep him, Christ's Apostle, in office.
That document was served with due notice and in the proper fashion of
the world.
I serve notice on any of you here today that I will do everything in my
power to protect Mr. Herbert Armstrong and the Work of the Living God.
He has coITUllanded me to do it. And with the help of the Living God and Mr.
Armstrong's inspired leadership, and the massive and instant support from
the brethren of this Church, and with financial resources that are avail­
able to only a few institutions, we have stopped the State of California
and a handful of people from doing their will.
Now what did they want to do? We don't even have to speculate on it.
All we have to do is read what they've said and look at what they did.
We don't have to speculate about it. We don't need a Mr.
"speculate" about it. All we have to do is read what they've said, and
it's all a part of the court record!