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PASTOR'S REPORT, May 14, 1979
Page 9
The Plain Truth magazine is free!
I would like to see the Plain Truth racks returned to the stores
so that the people may decide for themselves whether or not to
pick up a copy.
I have heard that religious freedom still exists in the United
States--sometimes I wonder.
To the Editor:
Henrietta Kissel,
I would like to thank the ones responsible for allowing the Plain
Truth to be placed in the Wesseleman's stores again.
This is a very educational publication and where else can one get
so much for so little. It's free!
Verona Coultas,
From these and other comments from the general public we know that many
thousands of people look favorably on our program, and indeed value what
we are doing.
--Roger G. Lippross, Publishing Services
God's Work is continually using the computer as a tool to help analyze
and improve its services and programs. Now, a new computer report
developed by the Data Processing Center for Subscriber Development can
actually focus on newly baptized members each month and show how long
it took for them to progress from a "new add" on our mailing list to
donor or co-worker to member status. This new report also shows what
literature they requested in the past year.
It is called the "Member Progression Report" and will give us better
insight as to how effectively we are achieviny Subscriber Development's
number one goal: to help our readers grow spiritually. In working with
the mailing list on a daily basis, we are constantly aware that our job
is to plant and water as "labourers together with God," but that it is
"God that giveth the increase" (I Cor. 3:7,9).
The Member Progression Report was especially encouraging because it
showed that our Newsletter and receipt programs were doing very well.
All the new Reprint Series articles advertised in the Newsletter, as
well as the Sermon Summaries advertised in the receipt program, scored
in the top 40 pieces of literature requested.
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center