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PASTOR'S REPORT, May 14, 1979
Page 8
other booklets around which campaigns can be built. Mr. Armstrong does
not wish to see this shortened version reprinted.
He is working on a full-sized book on the subject, however. It is to be
published by Everest House and will be on sale in bookstores. In the
meantime, Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Rader will be discussing just what to do
about replacing the smaller version mentioned above. We'll let you know
as soon as a decision has been made.
Final grades have now been handed in on the journalism class. Since
this was the first full semester of the class, it was somewhat of an
experiment. All of the "guinea pigs" did very well, however--in spite
of the "mad scientist" presiding over the lab. I think we'll have some
publishable articles for the PT and the GN (pending Mr. Armstrong's
approval, of course).
The June/July combined issue of the PT should begin rolling off the press
shortly. We are contantly working on the August PT. Hopefully the respite
from classes during the summer will allow us all more time for planning
and creative work. I have been working on several writing projects,
indluding the continuing parables series that has been running in the GN.
--Brian Knowles
Frank Brown, Director of the Work in England and Gordon Graham, Manager
of our printing plant, were here in Pasadena this past week for talks
with Brian Knowles, Jack Bicket and the various department managers. We
discussed the publishing needs of the English-speaking Work in Europe,
and went over present plans regarding printing in the U.K. and ways to
make the plant more cost effective for our needs in Pasadena.
Now and then we get trouble from other religious groups, etc., regarding
our Plain Truth racks in stores and other outlets. Evansville, Indiana,
is one area where we had trouble from an individual destroying our maga­
zines by the hundreds. The matter concluded favorably for us. Below
are a couple of letters from the local Evansville newspaper.
To the Editor:
The United States of America was founded on the principle of
freedom of religion. The Pilgrims came to this country because
of the religious persecution they were facing in England. Our
forefathers, in the Constitution, wrote a provision for religious
Why can't those few who do not wish to read the Plain Truth
magazine leave it on the rack so that the thousands in the Tri­
State area who want to read it may?
The Plain Truth is a magazine of fine quality. The pictures are
sharp, clear, and tell a story in themselves. The writing is
informative and thought-provokin0. And in these days of inflation
the price is unbelievable--