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PASTOR'S REPORT, May 14, 1979
Page 4
The above is an excellent example of what King David did NOT do when
he had every provocation to rebel against Saul--including his own
attempted murder by Saul personally! Yet, here we have a young man who
proclaimed over and over before hundreds of us: "If my father ever asks
me to just be his aide and carry his briefcase, I will say, 'thank you,
dad' and be glad to do it; or if dad would ever ask me to step aside and
just go up to a ranch in Colorado or something, I would sa�thank you,
dad' and be glad to do it."
But when reality comes, God's dedicated apostle--who has never
tried to hurt or kill or unjustly humiliate anyone--was finally forced
by increasing evidence of rebellion and immorality to ask his son to go
on a leave of absence. The result?
WHERE ARE all those "yes sirs" and responsive attitudes? And where
are they in the lives of David Antion and Wayne Cole who honored Mr.
Armstrong up until so recently, while at the same time proclaiming their
disgust and distaste of Garner Ted Armstrong?
The LIVING JESUS CHRIST is, indeed, trying and testing and judging
each one of us on the very gospel we preach to the world--the very gospel
all of these men used to preach--the gospel of the Government of God.
May God grant that all of you and all of us here at Pasadena may show
Him by our words and actions that we remain LOYAL to our Creator and to
His Word--that we will not get our ''feelings hurt" so easily and turn
aside to rebellion, dissent, and utter hypocrisy.
Our strength in this must be the confident realization that our
God sits in blazing GLORY at the controls of the universe with our
living Savior, High Priest, and Head at his right hand; that, together,
God and Christ are leading, guiding, and "orchestrating" the major events
in the world and in their human Work; that they are working with, testing,
fashioning and molding every one�us so that some day God may say:
"Now, I KNOW that you are truly surrendered and yielded to your Maker
and to-His Government, that you will not get your feelings hurt at the
slightest provocation, that you will not rise up to challenge your Maker
and try to be Number One because of VANITY which has never really been
conquered--now I KNOW that I can give you a city, a kingdom, or perhaps
even an entire planet and be totally confident of your patient dedication
and LOYALTY to your Maker and his Government--FOREVER."
Let's all think and pray about these things, fellows. God's Work
is going on and growing in spite of our trials. The warmth, the love
and the increasing unity among us will produce wonderful fruits in the
months and years to come IF all of us remain loyal. Let's show our God
and His apostle where we stand!
With Christian love,