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PASTOR'S REPORT, May 14, 1979
Page 3
directing the Milwa�k-�, K�n�as Cit}, Du�:�s, and Na_L\_ll� aL�dS. This
will mean that Burk McNair will be directing the Cincinnati, Cleveland,
New York, Washington D.C., and Atlanta areas, and Mr. Luker will be
directing only the Denver, Chico and Pasadena areas. However, as all of
you know, Denny will be assisting me greatly in the international Work
and overall planning functions as Deputy Director of the Field !tinistry.
Replacing Mr. Dean Blackwell will be--we can now say once again--"Old
Faithful" Ken Swisher! Ken has had such long and loyal service in God's
ministry and such an effective record as a District Superintendent years
ago, that we are most happy to see him join our list of fine Area
Coordinators at this time. So congratulations, Dean and Ken!
Another bit of good news is that Bob Fahey is becoming Area Coordina­
tor of the Vancouver area in Canada! He will be working directly with
Les McCullough and assist him in special programs involving the whole
Canadian work.
One bit of sad news to report is that Ted Armstrong held a publicly
advertised meeting of his dissident church out here in Arcadia just east
of Pasadena this Sabbath, and was joined at the podium by both Wayne Cole
and Dave Antion. Hurt feelings and rebellion make strange bedfellows.
As all oi you know, these two men continually proclaimed that they would
NEVER join Ted and told many of us privately including myself that they
were appalled at Ted's wretched immorality and hypocrisy over so many
many years that they did not feel he was fit to be a minister of God.
Yet here they are, frisking up by his side in the hope, perhaps, that his
personality and human charisma and following may somehow work to give
them a following and sense of "respectability" after their dastardly
attack on the Church of the Living God this last January.
Strange bedfellows, indeed! But, as Mr. Armstrong has said, this
is truly our "testing time" and all of us have got to decide whether we
will look to "God's anointed," Mr. Herbert Armstrong, who did NOT die
as some of them hoped he would, but who remains as a powerful WITNESS
against the deeds and lies and accusations of these self-willed mal­
Remember Romans 16:17 from Epistles of Paul class? "Now I beseech
you brethren mark them which cause division and offenses contrary to the
doctrines which you have learned and AVOID THEM."
Certainly these individuals--and others like them--who have per­
sistently and deliberately undermined the respect for God's Governmen�
and for His way of life ARE causing "divisions" and they are causing
"offenses"--upsets and confusion--which are CONTRARY to the doctrine we
have learned! To a man, they are doing exactly OPPOSITE of what they
always proclaimed they would do! They are directly or indirectly
attacking the authority of Jesus Christ and his chosen apostle, Mr.
Herbert Armstrong. They are attacking or undermining the peace and unity
of the body Jesus Christ has used all these years to do His Work. They
do NOT wish t o exercise patience and hurnility and to "wait on God."
Rather, they have decided to take matters into their own hands and REBEL
against the one whom they have ALL acknowledged as the specially chosen
leader of God's Church in this time--Herbert W. Armstrong.
They have said, in effect: "I have had enough. I can't take anymore!
I have got to justify my own vanity by taking matters into my OWN hands!"