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May 7, 1979
Having returned recently from the Orient with Mr. Armstrong,on Thursday
morning, May 3rd, Mr. Stanley Rader updated church and college employees
about recent developments in the Work. Dozens of questions were also
asked and answered. He did not want to preempt Mr. Armstrong who is
writing to the brethren about the trip, but he did confirm that the en­
tire trip was a complete success and gave just a few details.
As usual, Mr. Armstrong went in his private jet, he stayed in the best
hotels, had a major banquet and gave the Prime Minister of Japan a piece
of Steuben crystal. Plans call for another trip next month, this time
to Tunisia and Morrocco. Then they will follow that up with a trip back
into Egypt and Israel accompanied by Mr. Armstrong's "Japanese sons."
After that, in the latter part of August Mr. Armstrong is to visit China
-- Peking and perhaps several other cities -- then make a return visit
to Japan, and finally go to the Philippines for a mini-campaign during a
3-to 4-day visit in Manila. "All this will drive the Attorney General
right up the wall," mused Mr. Rader.
Mr. Rader also noted that newspapers did not play up Mr. Armstrong's re­
cent trip to Japan. Had they drawn attention to the aspects of Mr.
Armstrong's trips which the Attorney General has objected to, he thought
the stories would have ended up being too complimentary of Mr. Armstrong
and the Church because they would have had to report exactly what Mr.
Armstrong accomplished and who he met.
Stepping Up Our Projects In Japan
Mr. Rader told the employees that Mr. Armstrong affirmed all of our old
programs and will be taking on new projects, stepping up our activities
in Japan. When Mr. Armstrong returns to Japan en route to China he plans
to have a public Bible study with Plain Truth subscribers. Further, we
are going to step up distribution of the Plain Truth in Japan and reinsti­
tute the newsstand program there. Looking down the road, it is hoped
that this will bring forth a Japanese language work over the next decade.
Commenting about the extraordinary favor God has granted the Work in
Japan, Mr. Rader said that "these people have a great veneration for Mr.
Armstrong as an individual and as a unique human being. They have a
great feeling about his spirituality and look upon him as someone of
great help to them. They like to !_als� be of help to us."
He noted that Mr. Armstrong's "Japanese sons" have been great friends and
that there is much they can do for the Work. They give a lift in some
places and they have helped knock down barriers in others that would other­
wise be there. "They have, as Mr. Armstrong would say, opened some doors
for us. Maybe doors that would open up anyway, but they do give us an
"Doors" On Western Shores, Too
Answering inquiries about the European Work, Mr. Rader said that we have
a strong branch office operation in Europe. He said that we are going