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PASTOR'S REPORT, April 23, 1979
Page 13
Mr. Rader was under investigation by the Internal Revenue Service for
criminal tax evasion. According to Mr. Rader, "This statement was no
doubt intended to somehow bolster the thrust
(both expressed and implied)
of the segment, namely, that there is some merit to the patently ridi­
culous charges made against the Church, Mr. Armstrong, myself and others
by the State Attorney General, George 'Duke' Deukmejian."
What Mr. Rader felt was most instructive and revealing about the so-called
"tagline" is that which was not said, or more aptly, that which was deli­
berately left out. First, although Mr. Wallace saw fit to tell millions
of Americans that the Internal Revenue Service is "Investigating" Mr.
Rader for "tax evasion," he failed to disclose that, quoting Mr. Rader,
"I have VOLUNTARILY GIVEN the Internal Revenue Service complete access to
all of my financial records as well as my permission to look at the
Church'�financial records relating to ME, and that the Internal Revenue
Service has been conducting its examination for approximately 2\ months
and has found no evidence of any wrongdoing. Moreover," continued Mr.
Rader, "Mr. Wallace also failed to state that the investigation relates
in substantial part to several years in which both I and the Church were
audited and given clean bills of health. I kept it /the latest IRS inves­
tigation7 quiet because the IR�keeps it quiet also.- They come in like
gentlemen, without fanfare, and do their work, and they leave."
Second, although Mr. Wallace stated that his information regarding the
so-called "tagline" was gathered from "(his) source," he failed to dis­
close, either during the main segment when Mr. Rader asked him o�other­
wise, WHO that "source" is. Mr. Rader said, "I have no doubt in my
mind that the 'source' also was responsible for (a) the surreptitious
and unlawful recording of Mr. Armstrong's telephone conversations, (b)
the instigation and initiation of the Attorney General's baseless lawsuit,
and (c) initiation of the Internal Revenue Service investigation itself."
Mr. Rader reminded us that he has repeatedly said that he has nothing to
hide from the Attorney General or the Internal Revenue Service. He has
given all there is to give to the IRS regarding his financial activities.
But then he asb=•d, "Why have I not done so to the Attorney General? Be­
cause contrary to the professional behavior of the IRS, which rightfully
has left the Church and Mr. Armstrong out of the matter, 'Duke' Deukmejian
has confused himself with 'Duke' Wayne and ridden in, guns blazing at
everyone in sight, but, in reality, only firing blanks. On more than one
occasion I have offered to provide to the Attorney General the access
I have given to the IRS on the condition that he dismiss his action against
the Church, Mr. Armstrong, and the other defendants and focus his attention
on me if he feels I have done something wrong;� offers have been refused."
Why all the Harrassment?
In the news release, Mr. Rader gives three major reasons why we have
suffered harrassment in the past as well as at the present. First, govern­
ment officials sometimes abuse their powers to oppress those who do not
share their beliefs and biases. Second, government officials and agencies
sometimes act on doubtful or spurious information out of selfish motives
for gain of one kind or another (political primarily). Thirdly, in its
own inimitable way the media, whether intentionally or unwittingly, fre­
quently serves as the primary instrument of oppression. And this in the
name of "freedom of the press."