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PASTOR'S REPORT, April 23, 1979
Page 12
We are also completing our final selection of instructors and instructor
aides. We will conclude the selection process by April 27 and will
notify all applicants. We havt� about 400 applications for 130 paid and
non-paid positions so, we regret, there will be quite a few disappointments.
If anyone has any questions concerning camp, please give us a call.
Track & Field: We have had many inquiries as to the status of the
track program. The district and regional track meets are definitely
go "
for this summer. We hope to be able to also have the biregional meets
and the National meet as well, but cannot commit
that at this time.
We will keep you posted as to further developments. The events will be
the same as for last year.
A suggestion from the field is being implemented at the request of Mr.
Stanley Rader. Eugene Noel, one of our ministers in Ohio, mentioned that
he has been approached by several different representatives of the media
in his area asking for information about the church crisis. In addition
to answering their questions, he has xeroxed statements from the Pastor's
Report and handed it to them whenever appropriate. He said it would be
so much easier if we would include press releases separate from, but
along with, the Pastor's Report. Then these releases could be duplicated
by the minister and distributed as necessary. In this way it would be
very easy to give members of the media pertinent information on develop­
ments concerning the Church's court case and other matters of public
Here is our chance to funnel our side to the press. Now that Pasadena
can be counted on to give therr1Something to work with, we should be ahle
to blunt the edge that the more vociferous dissidents seem to have enjoyed
in the past. Now that the attention of millions has been caught through
bad publi ty, we have the opportunity to give them accurate information.
Here is exactly how we will do this: Whenever Mr. Rader feels a particu­
lar press release should be given national exposure, it will be included
with the very next mailing of the Pastor's Report. It will be entirely
up to the discretion of each Church Pastor as to how and when he uses
these press releases.
--Pastor's Report Staff
An Employee Meeting was called Thursday, April 19, to which Mr. Rader
had invited the news media. He read a news release concerning his being
investigated by the IRS for "criminal tax evasion," and then opened the
remainder of the assembly to questions. The majority of those present
indicated they had seen "60 Minutes" the previous Sunday, and Mr. Rader
asked the TV Studio to make the video tape of the show available to any
who missed it and would like to see it.
Mike Wallace
s "Tagline"
Those who saw last Sunday's "60 Minutes" segment relating to the Church
will recall Mike Wallace's so-called "tagline," in which he stated that