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Mr. Rader stated that during the deposition it became very apparent
Mr. Chapman was a very much involved person in the conspiracy to deprive
the Church, its leadership and its members of their constitutional rights.
Also during the deposition, recounced Mr. Rader, Deputy Attorney
General Lauren Brainard took exception to Mr. Rader having to remind him
that (a) he did not represent Mr. Chapman, (b) that he had admitted he
did not represent Mr. Chapman, (c) he, theref.
ore, should not be advising
Mr. Chapman, (d) our lawyers were getting tired of reminding him of what
the law was, and playing "continuing education of the bar," whereupon, he
threatened Mr. Rader with physical, bodily harm by his manner and by his
statement, which was an epithet. Mr. Rader said that we are considering
bringing an action of assault as well as an action to recuse him /chal-
lenge him as prejudiced, or otherwise incompetent to ac.!7.
Mr. Rader commented that
our lawyers have been trying from the beginning
to get the State to tell us who they represent, and who they don't re­
present. A month or so ago we learned that the state orchestrated a
concerted effort to keep all of the witnesses that we had subpoenaed for
depositions from appearin� And now we felt that Mr. Brainard, although
he admitted he did not represent Chapman, was acting as though he did.
We don't care if he does," continued Mr. Rader, "we feel it would be a
break if he did. We even invited Brainard to represent Chapman, but the
point was, he didn't represent Mr. Chapman; therefore, he should not have
been constantly advising him."