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In Los Angeles Superior Court, April 5th, over a dozen members accom­
panied Church attorneys to begin what they thought would be the first day
of surety verification -- a process which was expected to take many days,
perhaps even weeks, of courtroom testimony to accomplish. However,
Judge Eagleson decided not to waste precious court time and space in
this manner. Instead, he ordered that the Attorney General's office
first specify which suretyships he wishes to challenge. This is to be
done by April 26. The Church then has until May 3 to contact the members
involved and produce the documents necessary to verify the value of the
questioned sureties. On May 8 attorneys for both sides are to be back
in court to hear Judge Eagleson's decision on the exceptions and the
Church's responses. Should the judge rule in favor of the Attorney
General's exceptions, the Church will have more time in which to further
respond, including the substitution of new sureties if necessary.
Mr. Rader told members of the press outside the courtroom that he felt
the suretyships "show their Lthe brethren'!/ love and devotion to the
Church of the Living God. Because of the court's denial of rights of the
church members, the Attorney General, in my opinion, has in essense
inadvertently given /by questioning the sureties/ the church members the
opportunity to demonstrate just what it means for
to be members of
the Worldwide Church of God -- members of that spiritual body."
Members were anxious to verify in court that they are acting in good faith
and that the integrity of the sureties are above reproach. It is espe­
cially repugnant to California brethren that the Attorney General is try­
ing to throw out most, if not all, of the sureties as "questionable" -- as
if to imply, perhaps, that church leaders falsified sureties by taking
names off tombstones, or obtaining them by some other spurious means. Or,
rather, that brethren themselves, as members of the Church the Attorney
General has falsely accused, are not
be trusted!
Some have wondered about the status of the 700 million dollar suit the
Church filed against the state of California. It was denied by Judge
Firth in Federal District
a few weeks ago, so the Church has refiled
it in amended form. This revised suit has been expanded to include others
whom the Church has proof are involved. Judge Firth has taken the amended
suit under advisement.
A major blow to the Attorney General's office and dissident ex-members
was struck late today, April 9. Benjamin Chapman, disfellowshipped
ex-minister of the Worldwide Church of God and a major link in the
conspiracy and planned take over of the Church, buckled under cross­
examination by church attorneys.
In a deposition being taken today, Benjamin Chapman (considered by the
Church as one of the conspirators) under close questioning by one of the
Church's attorneys, Marshall Morgan, panicked and said he now needed a
lawyer to represent him. Mr. Chapman had earlier stated that he didn't
have a lawyer present, and had no need to have a lawyer present. Mr.
Chapman was reminded that he was already in contempt of the subpoena and
subsequent judge's order to appear, but he was allowed to leave upon
agreement to come back April 23.