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And finally, The United States and Britain series that has been running
in the PT is near completion and it remains to be decided what is to be
done with that in terms of a full-sized book. Mr. Armstrona will be
discussing that project with Mr. Rader and we'll let you know as soon
as we know what is to be done.
--Brian Knowles
The following news release was distributed at a press conference held by
Mr. Stanley Rader at the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles, April 4th:
Attorneys for the Worldwide Church of God today charged that
the Attorney General's office is in possession of stolen
documents. The Church further charges that those documents,
containing vital, pertinent information, on the Church's
behalf, have been concealed to cover up the State's illegal
The apparent cover-up, initiated to make the State's charges
appear valid, only served to break down any possible negotia­
tions between the Church and the State.
The Church is petitioning Governor Jerry Brown to appoint a
special prosecutor to investigate the actual motives behind
the Attorney General's actions and for the return of all
stolen documents.
Included with the press release was a copy of a telex message from Mr.
Rader sent to Governor Brown on the same date. The complete text of that
message follows:
The Honorable Edmund G. Brown, Jr.
Sacramento, Calif.
Dear Governor Brown:
Serious events transpired today in the Los Angeles offices of
the Attorney General that require your attention.
During the course of a deposition in the matter of The People
of the State of California v. Worldwide Church of God, it was
discovered that the Attorney General has in his files voluminous,
stolen documents containing detailed accountings of all Church
activities for the past 27 years. These documents were excul­
patory, yet they had been suppressed by the Attorney General and
not shown to the Los Angeles Superior Court in any of the pro­
ceedings. Moreover, it is now apparent that not only were each
of the allegations in the complaint false, but the Attorney
General knew them to be false.
Because the Attorney General's office has concealed this and
is covering up the enormous wrong of continuing this action,
we now feel compelled to ask that you appoint a special
prosecutor to investigate this incident of official corruption.