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The new checkbook system, the Central Clearing Account, was designed to
reduce your paperwork load by utilizing NCR Copies right in the checkbook.
At first the system was very effective and unreported expense dropped to
less than $16,000 per month. However, our success was short-lived.
Ironically, unreported expenses have climbed steadily ever since.
The cause of the problem is most likely simple inattention to one of the
ministerial responsibilities. However, the situation must be reversed.
Those of you having the problem need to determine to get the simple paper­
work done and mailed to Pasadena weekly, unless there is serious inter­
ference with your time.
Please do what you can to correct what is a serious problem and strive
to keep the problem corrected during the corning months. Your cooperation
will be greatly appreciated.
--Ted Herlofson
Things are really getting back to normal now in the Publishing area. We
have over 200 printing jobs going through the production area at the
moment and have 10-15 new jobs coming in each day from the various areas
here in Pasadena. Our people are fully stretched trying to keep up with
the flow of work. We are all looking forward to some physical and spiri­
tual rejuvenation over the Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread.
The teamsters trucking strike obviously affects us dramatically here in
Publishing because of the movement of paper and the distribution of our
publications around the United States. We understand that many of the
independent trucking lines are not on strike as yet and we are not sure
how The Plain Truth newsstand distribution program will be affected.
We know, at the very least, there's going to be some considerable leng­
thening in delivery time. Many of you will be receiving magazines much
later than normal, so be prepared for that. We are doing our best here
in Publishing to work around this problem and are trying to find alter­
native trucking routes and companies. So please have patience with us in
--Roger Lippross
A number of you have been asking about several booklet projects that have
been "hanging fire" for some time. I did have the opportunity to discuss
them all with Mr. Armstrong today. In addition, we have some news on the
Healing booklet.
The Wonderful World Tomorrow booklet will be reprinted shortly. Any
revisions or changes that were to be made have been completed. The new
Healing booklet has been printed and copies will �e mailed to church
members shortly. A few design and copy changes will be made on Herbert
W. Armstrong, Ambassador For World Peace and it will be ready for reprint-
ing this week
as budget permits.
Mr. Armstrong is currently reviewing the copy of The Mark of the Beast
�dvertised in the August '78 semi-annual letter) and This is the World­
wide Church of God. As soon as he approves copy, we'll get those to the