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defendants in the lawsuit. The Church's position is, of course, that he
should never receive one dime of the Church's money since we never hired
him and he certainly was not serving the interests of the Worldwide Church
of God!
The brethren in the Southland who have heard his repeated slander, out­
right lies and misrepresentations in the media, as well as seen his
arrogant and pretentious conduct in the courtroom, are glad to see him
head for "greener" pastures.
More Evidence of Conspiracy
At a press conference in Mr. Rader's office on March 8, he announced that
"We have received evidence of
incontrovertible nature which proves to
us that prior to January 2 there was a very active conspiracy between
Mr. Chodos, the Attorney General's office and some of the people employed
in very high places within this organization -- but who are now no longer
employed. These are in addition to the efforts of the six named former
members (so-called 'relaters•) in the lawsuit.
"We also have incontrovertible evidence" he said, "that prior to January
2, prior to the filing of the lawsuit, that the Attorney General and Mr.
Chodos knew beyond any shadow of a doubt, that all the allegations in
their complaint were false. They were told by persons in a position to
tell them all that there never had been any siphoning or pilfering of
millions of dollars by Mr. Herbert Armstrong, me or anyone."
In this travesty of justice, the sorry story begins in Superior Court
with the judge who first admitted this lawsuit was based solely on
allegations. Mr. Rader says none of this would have happened without
Judge Jerry Pacht. He is the person who had a relationship with Mr.
Chodos prior to the time this complaint (lawsuit) was ever filed. And
Mr. Tapper had a relationship with both of them somehow. Further, Mr.
Weisman had a relationship with all three of them!
All these factors put together have convinced all our attorneys that
never has there been a plainer case of abuse of judicial process and
malicious prosecution. Mr. Rader said we will prove this at the proper
time and proper place.
Nationwide Advertising Campaign Begins
After delays in getting started we have finally managed to secure full­
page advertising space in the Los Angeles Times. (See reproduction of
this ad on page 5.) This large circulation newspaper is rated one of the
top ten in the nation and goes to a broad spectrum of readers, including
a large proportion of "influencers" in many fields. Looking now at the
timing of the reimposed receivership and the advertisement coming out the
very next day, we can't help but wonder if God isn't using this present
"setback" to catapult God's Church yet further and faster forward in
fulfilling its commission.
We have no way of knowing just how or when God will totally lift this
present trial, but we can be sure that all things work together for good
and that God will bring good out of difficulty. Already much good has
resulted in cleansing the Church and unifying the ministry and the