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All members from El Salvador were in attendance for the Feast in Antigua,
Guatemala. They were in good spirits and thankful to be able to keep
God's Feast in the place He had chosen. Being able to leave the turmoil
in San Salvador and keeping the Feast in tranquil Guatemala gave special
appreciation of the millennial meaning of the Feast of Tabernacles.·
(Submitted by Leon Walker, Regional Director)
Proa Germany The Feast of Tabernacles in the German-speaking areas for
1986 was held in Bonndorf, West Germany, and Brno, Czechoslovakia.
The highest attendance in Bonndorf was 996, with the overseas guests
comprising approximately one-third of this total. This was the 10th time
the Feast was held in Bonndorf, and an anniversary celebration set the
tone for the welcome evening. The mayor of Bonndorf welcomed all the
guests and presented the group with a cake commemorating our 10 years in
Festival Coordinator Tom Lapacka commented that the press reports overall
were very favorable toward us. The press also noted that we make a big
financial contribution to the area of Bonndorf.
Rainy weather was a trademark of Bonndorf but Mr. Lapacka felt that this
was actually a blessing in disguise since the members spent more time
together inside. Mr. Lapacka also commented that everyone worked very
well together and a spirit of cooperation and unity was very evident.
Our Polish member, Viktor Przybylla, was also present in Bonndorf and
informed Mr. Lapacka that he is doing well and appreciates the concern and
prayers of the members. Be said he is very happy about the other newly
baptized member in Poland.
In Brno, Czechoslovakia, 302 people gathered in the modern Hotel Voronez
for the 1986 Feast of Tabernacles.
Services, meals, activities and
accommodation were all in the hotel (with the exception of several
excursions), which contributed to a warm, family-like atmosphere. Of the
302 in attendance, 159 were overseas guests.
One of the main highlights in Brno was the excursion to the beautiful
Zidlochovice Bunting Lodge. As at every activity, all participants were
treated like kings. The food was prepared by the Hotel Voronez staff and
transported to the Bunting Lodge.
Interesting to note is that the
Director of the Hotel Voronez was at the World Fair in Vancouver during
the Feast as the representative for the Czechoslovakian Restaurant
Pavillion, which won first prize at the World Fair for the best food and
service overall.
The highlight at each Feast site was hearing from Mr. Tkach, which enabled
the brethren to become better acquainted with him and greatly helped the
overall atmosphere and unity of the Feast.
We _were also very happy to have Dr. David Wainwright from Pasadena as a
guest speaker at both Festival locations.