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guide him in making the difficult decisions and setting the right
priorities. Obviously, each of us sees the needs of our own department
more clearly than those of others, yet there is a very encouraging spirit
of cooperation among the division heads as we begin the budget process.
God will work it all out for the best through Mr. Tkach's leadership as we
.all do our part. You need only look around you at the whiteness of the
harvest to know that we will have added needs in the field this coming
year. Those needs include not only ministers but more fleet cars, larger
halls, another Feast site and so on. Let's pray fervently that God will
pour out a real financial blessing to match this burgeoning growth.
On another subject, it has come to my attention that sometimes we tend to
put down other religious groups--Protestants, Catholics, etc.--through
unnecessary comparisons and references.
The big problem comes if we
appear to be judging their motives. While we do not agree with many of
their teachings and practices, we should acknowledge that they may be
entirely sincere.
It is occasionally necessary to preach and teach
candidly about the false doctrines espoused by various groups, especially
when the truth is being attacked directly or undermined by some dissident
element. But let's be careful not to ridicule or mock the practices of
others, in an attempt to make ourselves look better. •Judgment is now on
the house of Goa• (I Peter 4:17). One of the great truths God has shown
us is that-r-he""""r"est of humanity is not being spiritually •judged• at this
time. Those who are malicious in their false teaching will answer to
Christ Himself in due time. Ridicule, mimicry and jokes about others are
a ready crutch in the pulpit, but they can do more harm than good. We
should be accentuating the marvelous truth God has revealed and reflecting
His patience and love toward mankind. Let others compare the fruits and
respond to God ·when He calls them.
Beware of giving offense to the
•babes• among us as well as the unconverted. God has given us the perfect
product in the field of religion. Let's advertise it with enthusiasm and
give it freely to all who ask.
Ministerial 800 NUllber 800-423-4464--This number will be changed as of
December 8, 1986. The new number is 800-423-3984.
The number change is being made because of the wide distribution of the
number to people other than the field ministry.
It should basically be used as a connecting device for ministers to call
Pasadena and talk to various departments ON CAMPUS.
Please use this
number for that purpose. Do NOT use the Telephone Response number.
This service can be used from any state in the United States except Alaska
and California. The field ministry in Alaska and California should use
their calling cards or third-party billing to their home numbers if
In this fashion, we can track costs for various areas and
manage our budgets in a better manner.
This number should NOT be given out indiscriminately.
number is for ministers.
Remember, this
Spokesman Club Manuals Co.s. Field Ministry) Demand for Spokesman Club
Manuals has greatly exceeded our expectations this year.
Our current
supply was exhausted soon after the Feast. The manual must have at least
a few revisions prior to reprinting. This will probably require several
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