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•youth 86· Update
As you no doubt know, young people are facing some
extremely difficult problems in today's world. Some of the letters we get
from readers of "Youth 86" are depressing.
Many times they ask us to
write about some heavy subjects.
The problem of sexual abuse is an
example. These young people's tragic letters show how devastating sexual
abuse can be to its victims. We plan to run an article in the December
issue of "Youth 86" showing teens what to do if they or their friends are
being abused sexually.
Another tragic, and increasingly common, problem is teenage suicide. We
plan to run in the January "Youth 87" the article, "Suicide--It's Not the
Solution!" Our goal for the magazine in 1987 is to continue to present a
balance of articles, some more thought-provoking, along with entertaining
and fun features, always emphasizing the positive to our young readers.
As many of you may have heard, Pastor General Joseph
Tkach has approved
expanding the Waiting Room Program to include "Youth 87." Shortly after
the Feast, the magazine will be offered, along with "The Plain Truth," to
professional offices and business waiting areas around the country.
•Good News• Circulation Up August international and U.S. file statistics
show "Good News" circulation figures have passed one million total. Some
957,281 subscribers receive· the English version of "The Good News," while
another 94,351 receive the magazine in French, Spanish, German or Dutch.
In the December·"Good News," Philip Stevens' lead article, "No Room at the
Inn? No Way!" is a study of the traditional Christmas scene showing
tradition is in error.
Mr. Stevens' commonsense approach presents
argument in a unique way.
New Reprints Two new reprints are in production. The first titled "The
d:F t Most Asked Question: 'What Is a Real Christian?'" is made up of the
article of that title from the January, 1983, " � in Truth"· "Jesus
Magnified the Law" from reprint No. 741; "What
wtt'.ldlfn€�?" from
reprint No. 340; and "Should You Try to
Others?" from reprint No.
330. The second is called n7 Keys to Understanding the Bible."
includes the article by that title from the January, 1980, "Good News";
"Which Bible Translations Are Best?" from reprint No. 165; "Do We Have the
Complete Bible?" from reprint No. 590; and "How to Solve Bible
Difficulties" from the January, 1980, "Good News."
Editors' Luncheon
"Plain Truth" editor Herman L. Hoeh and myself and
Norman Shoaf, managing editor of "The Good News," Micheal Bennett,
managing editor of "Youth 86," Tom Hanson, managing editor of "The
Worldwide News" and Monte Wolverton, art director of "The Plain Truth,"
met with Mr. Tkach, Michael Feazell and Joseph Locke, assistants to Mr.
Tkach, and Larry Salyer, director under Mr. Tkach of Church
Administration, September 9.
At the luncheon meeting in the Hall of
Administration, various aspects of the publications were discussed. Mr.
Tkach also gave us some inspiring ideas for future issues in 1987.
--Dexter Faulkner, Editorial Services