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From the French Office Port-au-Prince, Haiti--Thanks to God and with the
help of Mr. Tkach, we now have a residing minister in Haiti. Mr. and Mrs.
Cyrille Richard arrived at Port-au-Prince during the latter part of J � ly,
and are now conducting regular Bible studies as well as Sabbath services
in Haiti. The couple has been able to find a comfortable little house
located about six miles from Port-au-Prince.
Our Haitian brethren are
delighted--and so are we!
New Brunswick, Canada--The French-speaking members in New Brunswick,
Canada, also have a new full time minister. Mr. Daniel Samson and his
family moved to Campbellton, N.B., to serve the French-speaking brethren
in northern New Brunswick and the southern shore of the Gaspe region of
Quebec. Sabbath services are now held on the first and third Sabbaths of
each month in Bathurst, and on the second and fourth Sabbaths of each
month in Campbellton.
In the latter part of July, Mr. Samson conducted a public Bible lecture at
Edmunston, N.B., with 23 new people attending. During the first month
that the Campbellton-Bathurst churches have been in full swing, seven new
people have been baptized!
TV Programs in Quebec--The brethren in Quebec are very _excited about the
new TV broadcasts that will be aired starting September 14, on Sunday
mornin<;, both at 11: 30. The station in Montreal is CFJP and the one in
Quebec City CFAP (Cable TV).
!1r. Andrist's African Tour--Mr. Bernard Andrist just completed a visit to
Rwanda, Zaire and Cameroon. We now have 114 baptized members in eight
French-speaking countries in Africa, but no minister as yet to serve them
on a full-time basis. Efforts are continuously made to break the deadlock
and gain official recognition for us to legally function in Cameroon and
French-speaking sites for the Feast of Tabernacles--As it currently looks,
we will have approximately 1,200 people attending the Feast of Tabernacles
at La Malbaie (Quebec), 1,000 at Henglehoef (Belguim), 300 at St-Francois
(Guadeloupe), 330 at Tartane (Martinique) and 70 in Jacqmel (Haiti).
(Dibar Apartian, Regional Director)
--Larry Salyer, Director of Church Administration
The income figures for August were lower this year than expected. We had a
good increase of 14.1 percent in �uly, but in August there was 0.3 percent
less than August of 1985.
Thankfully, this very slight decrease still
provided a year-to-date increase of 7 percent, which is right on budget.
The expense side of the ledger is 1.9 percent above budget.
This is
slightly higher than July 31. About half of the departments are still
below the budget. We will work on bringing the others below budget in the
coming months.