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To date the Canadian office has processed 448,423 calls and pieces of mail
in 1986, a 7.2 percent increase over 1985. Total outgoing mail was down
by 1.4 percent on August 1985 but the year-to-date increase is still a
positive 23.9 percent.
Mail income for August was up against high figures for last year.
result we didn't do too well, registering an 8.2 percent decrease.
brought our year-to-date figure to +6.9 percent.
As a
On August 15 we welcomed Marguerite Dubois to the office staff.
Marguerite worked in
the French Department in Pasadena until graduating
this year. She will be used in reading the French mail and entering it on
the terminals, as well as doing other work. We hope to give much quicker
service to the French Canadians than we have been able to provide in the
(Submitted by Colin Adair, Regional Director)
From the Netherlands
In addition to a record attendance of 393 at the
Pentecost Holy Day with a fine 23 percent offering increase, the months of
June and July have been filled with a larger than normal amount of
requests for visits in the Netherlands and Belgium. Compared to the same
period for 1985, a 308 percent increase.
Most of these visits are the result of reading the
News" and studying the Bible Correspondence Course.
visited people have started to attend services in the
Antwerp areas.
International "Good
70 percent of the
Zwolle, De Bilt and
During this same period the annual summer picnics were held in the Zwolle
and Tilburg area.
For the first time this year a Y.E.S. summer camp was organized, held in
the beautiful setting of the Belgian Ardennes, for a period of eight days.
75 parents and their children attended the campout.
Both parents · and
children were inspired by the family atmosphere at this camp. The owner
of the property was so impressed with the behavior and attitude of our
people that he reduced the normal camping fare and invited the group to
come back next year.
Final arrangements were also made for the Feast of Tabernacles in
Hoogeveen. The Dutch language site is filled to its capacity; 400 local
brethren from the Netherlands and Belgium have applied and 125 brethren
from abroad.
On the weekend of August 1st Mr. and Mrs. Bram de Bree travelled to
London, England, to be able to hear the Pastor General of God's Church,
Mr. Joseph
Tkach. They were greatly inspired by the encouraging message
and the warm personal contact.
Incoming mail for July is up 12.4 percent and outgoing mail is up 32.64
At the end of July we had a year-to-date increase of 9.87 percent.
Baptisms increased 6 percent in July and Church attendance 11 percent.
(Submitted by Bram de Bree, Regional Director)