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has given His people.
I have heard parents refer to their childrens'
anticipation and keeping of the Feast as purely physical, as a child in
the world might approach Christmas. How sad!
Our loving and generous God has specifically set apart our children as
"holy," from birth in many cases, and yet we parents sometimes go blindly
along, unaware of the fertile minds of these "little ones."
Fellow ministers, please find time before the Feast of Tabernacles to
exhort and encourage parents to teach their children the meaning of
"rejoicing" and learning to fear the Eternal always.
Children also need to be taught the importance of their example at the
Being different should be seen in the light of the blessings
mentioned above. Parents must show their children how their part in the
family example pleases God and helps to teach outsiders why God's way is
best. Children� understand this principle!
Children should be given specific instruction about their behavior at the
Feast, such as not running in buildings, not being overly noisy, etc.
Parents, especially new members attending the Feast, need to be reminded
of the biblical and church teaching against improperly disciplining their
children. It must be remembered that we are to be a light to the world,
and the Feast is being conducted in publicly owned facilities. We do not
want to have our people give the public a wrong impression of the biblical
view of child correction.
Very young children with short attention spans may get "bored" with daily
services. Parents should plan ahead to have on hand quiet toys, books,
etc. for holding the interest of younger children during services.
Teenagers should not be attending the Feast alone. Rare exceptions to
this rule have to be made in extenuating circumstances, but pastors should
use caution in permitting this. Teenagers attending without their parents
should be treated as adult prospective members and should live up to that
If, as pastors, we do our part well before
motivate God's people .we can help ensure that
and learn the profound spiritual lessons
continuing to feed the flock!
the Feast to instruct and
they have a wonderful Feast
God intends.
Thanks for
to expect.
God's Work is dynamic and change is something we have learned
Let me bring you up to date.
Mr. Jim Reyer is being transferred to Pasadena to pastor the Imperial AM
congregation. Mr. Selmer Hegvold will remain as an associate pastor and
supervisor of the deaf program. This change provides Mr. and Mrs. Reyer
the support of their children during Alice's illness and a more flexible
work schedule for Jim. It also gives Mr. Hegvold a lighter load.
Replacing Mr. Reyer in Denver will be Mr. Doug Horchak. Doug felt he
could be more effective in the field than in an office setting and this
opening demanded someone of his rank and talents. We will miss him in