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Between the afternoon and the evening cermonies the Mayor hosted a
reception for local dignitaries and leading citizens. Mr. Joseph
and other representatives from the Work attended this reception and met
personally with the Mayor and City Directors.
The entire group of special guests assembled for this mayoral reception
was escorted to a reserved seating area in front of City Hall for the
evening celebration.
Once the guests were seated the show began.
CBS local anchorman Jess
Marlow was master of ceremonies for the evening. He and all the others
working on the project are Pasadena citizens and donated their time.
This June 19th Evening Celebration was an appropriately· dazz.
ling musical
evening. The attractions for the evening included:
• A 40-piece symphonic band, accompanied by an 800-voice adult choir
(volunteers from Pasadena, including Church members and College
• Approximately 250 of Pasadena's fifth and sixth graders who recounted
100 years of history in song.
• A special State of California proclamation, presented by the
district's state senator.
All of these were molded into a program of professional quality.
The Ambassador Auditorium production team produced a dazzling and moving
ending. Special computerized search lights were used to shoot beams of
colored 1 ight thousands of feet in the air as the whole expanse of the
City Hall dome was changed from white to deep rich colors, which reflected
the moods of the music.
These effects accompanied the final number, a
stirring rendition of Battle Hymn of the Republic with live orchestra and
an 800-voice choir.
This truly grand £inale brought the assemblage to
their feet in resounding applause.
The Mayor and other city officials continue to express their gratitude for
the involvement of the College. "Without your assistance we could never
have accomplished such a grand and professional event,
commented the
Mayor's secretary.
The involvement of the Work in projects such as this brings to mind
Matthew 5:14, which says, "Ye are the light of the world. A city that is
set on a hill cannot be hid." Many in the world around us notice the
works of God's Church.
They see our support for government, which is
through example and effort.
The thought of Matthew 5:14 continues in verse 16: "let your light shine
before men, that they may see your good work, and glorify your Father
which is in heaven."
The Pasadena Centennial Celebration is another one of those events which
has focused the attention of the community here in Pasadena on God's
peopl�, their way of life and His Work.
--Ellis La Ravia, Facilities Administration