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14,000 members during the '70's.
The Festival office has since reduced
the attendance at the site due to difficulties experienced in exiting the
parking areas.
In previous years, several hours were required to empty
the parking lots after services.
The determination to sell the property was made last year since there are
so many convention sites now available to the Church.
There are several
advantages achieved in the sale of this fixed Festival site:
First, it
affords greater flexibility to select other sites appropriate for Festival
Secondly, better convention centers can be provided to eliminate
problems associated with heat and cold within the metal building.
Thirdly, the cost of operation can be greatly reduced as the Ozarks
facility was only used for approximately eight days annually.
We are currently removing personal property and equipment from the Ozarks
Festival site to allow the new owners possession by July 20th.
the Administration building may be available as a rental for weekly ·
Sabbath services.
�sa, Oklah�will replace the Ozarks as a Festival site for 1986.
e xeceiv�ery favorable treatment from the housing and convention
facilities in Tulsa.
We appreciate your continued prayers not only for
Tulsa, but for the conduct of affairs at all Festival sites.
We currently have 4,200 members scheduled to attend the new site.
A few
of the facilities listed in the memo to local pastors still have space
Please let the members interested in attending the Tulsa
Festival location know the availability so they can check with their
Festival advisor as soon as possible.
Centennial Celebration
The Headquarter's city of the Work, Pasadena,
celebrated its centennial on June 19, 1986.
This was the anniversary of
the day of incorporation in 1886.
It was the Grand Ceremony and Evening Celebration of June 19th in which
Ambassador College became involved. The staging and arranging of the many
component parts, which had to be included as a part of the day, was a
difficult task. The planning for these two occasions began almost a year
The assistance of the College, Auditorium and Foundation personnal
was solicited due to the vast amount of experience in presenting cultural
The Auditorium staff organized, produced and supervised the
entire programming.
The Official Centennial Ceremony at noon--with an attendance in excess of
• Ross Justum and the Ambassador College Music Services band
• Special awards by Pasadena Mayor, John
• Centennial Tappers (24 volunteer tap dancers)
• Strategic plan for Pasadena until year 2000
• Presentation of time capsule
• Taking of the Centennial photo
The grand finale of live band music and tap dancing was climaxed with a
spectacular balloon release of 28,000 balloons.
This was the largest
release ever in the city of Pasadena.