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Thanks again! Your promptness in reporting the spring Holy Day offerings was
much appreciated. If you have any questions, please call and let us know.
Children Tithing
Surprisingly, a number of youngsters regularly tithe and
send offerings from money they earn.
It is heartwarming to see their
enthusiasm and attitude of obedience to God's Word. Here are some of their
My name is Jarrett. I am in level 5 of the YES Lessons. I am
10 years old. I have enclosed my tithe for this year. I love
to tithe. This is the first year I have saved second tithe. My
dad said when I'm 13 years old I can save third tithe.
Thank you for sending me my own Holy Day envelopes.
I really
enjoy getting them and putting my offerings in my envelopes,
instead of right in the basket. Love, your friend,
Jarrett K. (age 10)
(Sugarloaf, PA)
My name is Courtney and I would like to give my money to the
Wold Wide [sic] Church of God and I am a kid and I wanted to
know if you have youth books for kids about God.
Courtney H. (age 9)
(Aurora, CO)
I'm sending in my first tithe of $10 which I earned from my
paper route. God has blessed me very much with a job, and I'm
glad I'm able to tithe from the profit I make.
Rebeka R. (age 13)
(Harleysville, PA)
What a blessing it is to be able to tithe to God's Church. This
is my family's third tithe year.
It sure
a blessing to be
able to give more money because of this job that I received from
God in my third tithe year. Have a nice day and may God bless
you always.
Laura K. (age 16)
(Yorba Linda, CA)
Early this summer I received a paper route from the neighborhood
paperboy who was getting 'old for his job.' I started out only
delivering 24 papers. I was not bringing in too much money, but
still I enforced God's law of tithing. Through this job I have
learned the responsibilities of tithing and how
backs up
God's Work.