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In order to accomplish this mammoth task,
we hired additional on-call
personnel and kept the machines running 12 hours a day for three weeks
By mailing the semiannual letter in-house instead of using an
outside vendor we were able to realize a number of advantages:
1) Over
$20,000 was saved; 2) A higher quality of work was maintained than would have
been done on the outside; and 3) The confidentiality of our subscription list
was insured.
You may want to remind members to continue praying for the success of the
semiannual letter in bringing in more co-workers to aid in God's Work.
Top Ten Telecasts The ten telecasts which have pulled the highest responses
in the Work's history have been aired since January of this year. (This does
not, of course, take into account programs that would have had a higher
response if there had not been major preemptions.) They are listed below:
Weekend Response
1. 4/06/86
2. 2/09/86
3. 5/18/86
4. 5/04/86
5. 5/11/86
6. 4/20/86
7. 3/30/86
8. 5/25/86
9. 4/13/86
10. 3/23/86
The Middle East in Prophecy
Where Are We Now in Bible Prophecy?
Is There a Real Hellfire?
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Mystery of the Ages
STD: Our Modern Plague
The Plain Truth About Easter
The Authority of the Bible
When Is the Christian Sabbath?
The Resurrection Was Not on Sunday!
Sacred Calendar "God's
"Good News," brought in
30,000 co-workers and
advertised the calendar.
envelopes per issue.
Sacred Calendar," which was offered in the February
an unusually high number of responses.
More than
subscribers sent in the GN lit envelopes which
Normally, we receive an average of 12,000 of these
Apparently, many of our newer readers were unaware that this piece of
literature existed, and they were interested in knowing how God reckons time.
Thank You Once again, we would like to thank the membership for their help
in carefully and accurately preparing their spring Holy Day offerings. We
were pleased to note that there were very few
problems this year.
members avoiding mistakes and oversights less processing time was required.
As Pentecost approaches, we would like to encourage the members to keep up
the good work.
You can help us do this by reminding them to:
1) Use the
prelabeled envelopes sent from headquarters.
2) Completely f
1 out their
checks, including the date and signature, and be sure the numerical and
written amounts agree.
3) Keep their "Plain Truth" subscription nwnber in
their Bibles, in case they forget their preaddressed envelopes.
Pentecost Offering Report
As a reminder, please make every effort to get
your phone reports and packages in on time. The telephone report is due on
Monday, June 16, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. (Pacific Time). Please use the
toll-free number (1-800-423-4444), except for those calling from Alaska, who
should call collect at (818) 304-6111.